How Much Sleep Do You Get?

stersita said:
i sleep around 9 hours a day (10 pm-7 am) but the problem is that at weekends i go to bed much later but then wake up early cause my body is used to it :o :doh: ... but i'm the type of person who needs lots of sleep to be awake the next day, and i used to recover on weekends but now... i guess the solution'll be to go to bed earlier :rolleyes:

I am the SAME way. My body requires around 9 hours of sleep. I'm great about getting that during the week... but the weekends always throw me off track. Out until 4 or 5am, and I'll only sleep until 10, or 11 if I'm lucky. I've just accpepted it, and try to sneak in a good 3 hour nap during the days Saturday and Sunday. :rolleyes: :flower:
^yeah well i sometimes try that but i don't know why i'm never able to sleep during the day, never- and i'm spanish :blink: i just prefer to do other things instead of sleep during the day.
stersita said:
i just prefer to do other things instead of sleep during the day.

Ugh, I know...but sometimes I realize there is no way I'm going to make it through a long night without some extra zzzzz's. :rolleyes:
I would love to sleep 8 hours a night..but I'm glad if I get my 6 hours...

In the weekends I sleep a lot though..until 2.
i hardly got any last night the firealarm went off three times during the night:angry:

and now i just feel really sleepy and bad but i have loads of work to do but i really need a nap first!
5ish, i never sleep well though. And i wake up in the weirdist positions, like across my bed or my head hanging off the bed or in the splits once!
I need a LOT of sleep, for my 9-10 hours is ideal but most of the time I hardly get 7 hours of sleep per night and on the weekend I sleep like 14 hour nights!
The last three days I've been sleeping about 4-5 hours and I'm too tired, usually I sleep at least 6 hours, up to 8, and on weekends maybe 12!
I so need at least 8 hours. on weekends i can sleep more than 12 without problems..
usually on school nights, i sleep 5-6. on test or paper cram nights about 3-4. on weekends, 10-14. but i can function with at least 6 hours. 7 is ideal
during the week 7 - 8 hours and on the weekend ranges from 4 - 7 (depending if i got out, what i'm doing etc etc)
As of late, not much. Although I slept pretty much all day today...went to bed late last night after an entire day of relentless walking, I guess it finally caught up to me. Good thing I slept enough today, now I'm recharged to go out tonight :D
Argh i get about 5-6 hours in the week and about 9 on the weekend! God i hate the week! I feel like i should be in hibernation at the moment it's so cold!
normally between 8-9 hours. But this past week with thanksgiving and everything it was a bit different. Try 3-6 hours:doh:

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