Ivana Trump to wed

May 16, 2005
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Published in October 17th, 2007
Ivana Trump officially announced on October 15, 2007 that she will soon be the bride of Italian actor and model Rossano Rubicondi.
Czech-born Ivana, 55, will wed her 32 year old toy boy lover in what is sure to be a lavish affair. Ivana informally announced her engagement to Trump family members in July of this year. Ivana, you may recall, was married to Donald Trump from 1977-1992 and is the mother of Donald Jr, Eric, and Ivanka Trump.
The wedding will take place on April, 12, 2008 at Mar-A-Lago, the Palm Beach, Florida estate of her ex husband Donald Trump who wed his wife Melania at Mar-A-Lago in January 2005 as did Donald Trump Jr. and his bride Vanessa in November 2005.
Ivana was quoted as saying, “The best is yet to come.” You go girl!

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Well...if that golddigger makes her happy...:unsure: Whatever...good luck Ivana!
Yes, I love this! I can't wait to see pics from her wedding!!
He's going to do to her, what she did to the Donald......get ready to lose some $$$, Ivana.
When I first heard about this, I thought it was IVANKA who was getting married. The guy is 32, after all. In any case, I think he's fug.
she has already spent loads on him
but who cares. if they wanna marry, all the best.. he is quite a hotty :innocent:
Why is she still Trump and when she gets married will she still be Ivana Trump? :lol:
^ Well I'm sure after she married Trump she changed her name, and for this marriage she doesn't want to change it again. My mom didn't want to change her name but after a while it became a hassle for her and she did.

Plus, its her 'stage name' if you will.

I cant wait to see her wedding dress!!

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