Keeping up with the Trumps

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Guess who is going to drive the Pace Car at this year's Indianapolis 500!! It will be HUGE- the BIGGEST Pace Car Drive EVER!! :P


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^ He is still making believe, I mean- seriously thinking about it...And he has a daily You Tube commentary where he tells how he will save the world...:huh:
^I kind of want to see a debate between him and Sarah Palin during the primaries.
^ It would be entertaining!! Bill O'Riley almost had him going last week, trying to get him down to specifics about how he would accomplish everything he says he would do; at this point, there doesn't seem to be much beyond his "No one would take advantage of us, I'd kick their a**" and so on...:rolleyes:
Well, she would be one beautiful First Lady!!^_^

Donald Trump and Melania Trump attend the 9th Annual "Dressed To Kilt" charity fashion show at Hammerstein Ballroom on April 5, 2011 in New York City.

Vanessa is pregnant with Baby #3!! :woot:

Vanessa Trump and Donald Trump Jr. attend the 9th Annual 'Dressed To Kilt' charity fashion show at Hammerstein Ballroom on April 5, 2011 in New York City.

But the Wall Street Journal says if he can't do it as a Republican he will run as an Independent...spliting the vote...not a good thing...:cry:
So yesterday, one of New York's most powerful newspapers showed the sort of respect they have for Donald's "Presidential Run" right on the front page... :blink:


Tried of that crummy old 727 Donald flies around in? Well, suffer no more! Here's 'his' 'new' Boeing 757!! Fit for a Presidential candidate!! It's huge! The BEST! Many people are saying it is the biggest EVER!! It is being customized right now, and I am sure there will be endless fanfare when the 'new' plane is introduced!!...Except that the plane is 20 years old next month and owned by a corporation in Delaware, but whatever, meaningless details...Nice to know people's contributions to a possible Trump White House run will be going toward fuel for a $10,000 an hour flying status symbol!! :blink:

Billionaire Donald Trump speaking to a crowd at the 2011 Palm Beach County Tax Day Tea Party on April 16, 2011 at Sanborn Square in Boca Raton, Florida. Trump is considering a bid for the 2012 presidency and is expected to announce his running in the coming weeks.

One more reason the Republicans feel queasy about Donald...:unsure:

Recent stories have pointed out Donald Trump’s proclivity for donating large amounts of money to candidates for federal office. However, the total he has donated to New York State campaign committees since 1999 – $595,636.66 – is close to the amount he has given at the federal level since 1990 – $708,500. This massive amount has been made possible by New York’s loophole-ridden campaign finance laws, which let individuals give massive amounts. State campaign finance records show that $395,391.66 of this money has gone to Democrats, compared to $172,150 to Republicans.

Albany (NY) Times Union
^Not surprised. Maybe if he runs he'll run as an independent?

Why Trump Soars

Published: April 18, 2011

Very few people have the luxury of being freely obnoxious. Most people have to watch what they say for fear of offending their bosses and colleagues. Others resist saying anything that might make them unpopular.

The intellectual, cultural and scientific findings that land on the columnist’s desk nearly every day.
But, in every society, there are a few rare souls who rise above subservience, insecurity and concern. Each morning they take their own abrasive urges out for parade. They are so impressed by their achievements, so often reminded of their own obvious rightness, that every stray thought and synaptic ripple comes bursting out of their mouth fortified by impregnable certitude. When they have achieved this status they have entered the realm of Upper Blowhardia.

These supremely accomplished blowhards offend some but also arouse intense loyalty in others. Their followers enjoy the brassiness of it all. They live vicariously through their hero’s assertiveness. They delight in hearing those obnoxious things that others are only permitted to think.

Thus, there has always been a fan base for the abrasive rich man. There has always been a market for books by people like George Steinbrenner, Ross Perot, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Bobby Knight, Howard Stern and George Soros. There has always been a large clump of voters who believe that America could reverse its decline if only a straight-talking, obnoxious blowhard would take control.

And today, apparently, Donald Trump is that man. Trump, currently most famous for telling people that they are fired, has surged toward the top of the presidential primary polls. In one poll, he was in (remote) striking distance in a head-to-head against President Obama. Many people regard Trump as a joke and his popularity a disgrace. But he is actually riding a deep public fantasy: The hunger for the ultimate blowhard who can lead us through dark times.

He is riding something else: The strongest and most subversive ideology in America today. Donald Trump is the living, walking personification of the Gospel of Success.

It is obligatory these days in a polite society to have a complicated attitude toward success. If you attend a prestigious college or professional school, you are supposed to struggle tirelessly for success while denying that you have much interest in it. If you do achieve it, you are expected to shroud your wealth in locally grown produce, understated luxury cars and nubby fabrics.

Trump, on the other hand, is utterly oblivious to such conventions. When it comes to success, as in so many other things, he is the perpetual boy. He is the enthusiastic adventurer thrilled to have acquired a gleaming new bike, and doubly thrilled to be showing it off.

He labors under the belief — unacceptable in polite society — that two is better than one and that four is better than two. If he can afford a car, a flashy one is better than a boring one. In private jets, lavish is better than dull. In skyscrapers, brass is better than brick, and gold is better than brass.

This boyish enthusiasm for glory has propelled him to enormous accomplishment. He has literally changed the landscape of New York City, Chicago, Las Vegas and many places in between. He has survived a ruinous crash and come back stronger than ever.

Moreover, he shares this unambivalent attitude toward success with millions around the country. Though he cannot possibly need the money, he spends his days proselytizing the Gospel of Success through Trump University, his motivational speeches, his TV shows and relentlessly flowing books.

A child of wealth, he is more at home with the immigrants and the lower-middle-class strivers, who share his straightforward belief in the Gospel of Success, than he is among members of the haute bourgeoisie, who are above it. Like many swashbuckler capitalists, he is essentially anti-elitist.

Now, I don’t mean to say that Donald Trump is going to be president or get close. There is, for example, his hyper-hyperbolism and opportunism standing in the way.

In 2009, Trump published a book with a very Trumpian title: “Think Like a Champion.” In that book, he praised Obama’s “amazing” and “phenomenal” accomplishments. “Barack Obama proved that determination combined with opportunity and intelligence can make things happen — and in an exceptional way,” Trump gushed.

Now he spouts birther nonsense and calls Obama the worst president in American history. Now he leads rallies that make Michele Bachmann events look like the League of Women Voters. Even angry American voters want some level of seriousness, prudence and self-control.

But I do insist that Trump is no joke. He emerges from deep currents in our culture, and he is tapping into powerful sections of the national fantasy life. I would never vote for him, but I would never want to live in a country without people like him. 

^ Excellent! I was always amazed at what a puzzle is he...At the casino, I knew people who dealt with him almost every day, including his bodyguards, and their stories sounded almost as if he had several different personalities...A (supposed, at least) womanizing stud who would not think of doing a sit up, losing some of his substantial girth or dressing stylishly; a high class penthouse dweller who traveled by limo and private jet and abused one and all with the foulest mouth this side of the Brooklyn waterfront; a proper patron of the 21 Club with his own reserved table who thought nothing of pulling into a rest stop on the Jersey Turnpike and scarfing down three cheeseburgers and a huge milkshake; the guy is just very hard to understand! Even his close 'friends' seem to have no idea what he is really up to with this Presidential deal- and that is no doubt exactly what he wants! :wink: I love how he brags about how many jobs he has created (true), but when I was with him one of the business magazines did a survey of 500 companies in the hospitality industry and Trump came in 499 out of the 500...The people who work for him are used and abused like no others in the much of the 'success image' is just smoke and mirrors...
Is Donald Trump as rich as he wants us to think he is?

The presidential tease claims to be worth billions. But when he sued a biographer for libel, he couldn't prove it

Donald Trump's impressive performance last week at the top of polls of Republican presidential candidates has ensured that the hype machine is still running hard for the real estate mogul -- even if most serious political observers don't believe the man has any real intention of running.
But it sure would be nice if the Donald did officially put his hat in the ring, because then we might finally get an answer to a vexing mystery: How rich is he? All presidential candidates have to release a financial disclosure form; Trump's would be one of the most interesting to come down the pike in many years.
Just this weekend, he boasted on CNN that his net worth was "many, many, many times Mitt Romney." (Romney's net worth, according to the disclosure report he filed in 2007, is between $190 million and $250 million.) Elsewhere Trump has repeatedly claimed to be worth 4 or 5 billion -- a figure that rises and falls with the stock market, the economy and his own "feelings."
But in 2005, New York Times reporter Timothy O'Brien claimed that Trump's actual net worth was between $150 million and $250 million, an accusation that definitely hurt Trump's feelings (that's Romney territory!). Trump promptly sued O'Brien for libel.
A New Jersey judge tossed the suit in 2009, leaving the world in a sad state of ignorance as to the true state of Trump's affairs. The only hard tidbit to emerge from the case -- the Wall Street Journal reported that in 2005 Deutsche Bank had assessed Trump's net worth at $788 million -- or about three times Romney.
By most American standards, whether Trump is worth $150 million or $6 billion might seem irrelevant -- he's still rich. The more interesting question is just how good a businessman Trump is. His career has been full of wild swings and bankruptcies and desperate corporate restructurings. When markets fall and recessions hit, Trump tends to run into big trouble. One might well ask, is that the kind of person who should steer the United States through an uncertain economic future?
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This is a good one- the first of many interviews that will make him squirm!! :rolleyes: It is most interesting that he had nothing to do with running the casinos, since my friend Lynne had to arrange transportation for him (helicopter and limousine) several times a week for years, he had two full time bodyguards just for Atlantic City and a permanent duplex apartment at the Trump Marina hotel, which was a convenient place for him to stash Marla for afternoon "visits"...What a liar...

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