Umm...babies...not that I have vast wads of personal experience here, but those really tiny humans who can't talk yet and who poop their pants daily...mercifully they grow at an immense rate of speed. What was once an enormous squalling potato will soon be you know, even bigger, and not so squally, more chatty.
What I'm getting at here, is that I cannot understand who'd buy goodness knows how many $30 outfits for a creature that will need new clothes every month or so. And they say prices
starting at 15 quid, so I imagine most of it is way more than
£15/$30, which I wouldn't spend on baby clothes anyway.
Also babies? Are wriggly. I've seen what Galliano clothes look like, and I'd die several deaths if I had to thread four squirmy baby limbs through all that fabric and those straps, especially not several times a day, as dictated by pooping, peeing, and barfing scheduling.
Oh yes, the effluvia. "Dry Clean Only" doesn't work for those drooly teething pipsqueakers.
If and when I have a baby, I imagine it will be Target onsies and home-made smocks all the way.