Jennifer Lawrence

Uuuurgh she's becoming so self-indulgent. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Honestly she needs to take it down a notch. I hate it because it makes her whole "girl next-door from Kentucky" schitck even more cringey.

The after-party look could've been good if it was longer and she'd worn a belt to accentuate her waist.
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I like the necklace, but hate the gown. Albeit I might be partial to the necklace though because it reminds me so much of the Duchess of Windsor's fabulous bib necklaces (although JLaw's is very tame in comparison).

The hair is awful though and doesn't go with either the necklace or the gown.
Also is it me or she's becoming more and more obnoxious ? I don't know if it's her friendship with Amy Schumer who really gets on my nerves; if it's the overexposure or over confidence but everytime she opens her mouth lately I roll my eyes so hard they disappear.

She's one of those people that puts on this aw shucks I'm so humble facade, but is really a huge egotist.
I am really starting to dislike her as a person, which makes me sad because I don't dislike many famous people! Calling out that reporter was just unnecessary and unkind. I don't find embarrassing people funny at all.

On a positive note, the after party dress is cute and her hair is a nice length.
I think her hair is a bit too blonde right now but it suits her after party look.

I thought she had matured a bit and become a bit more assertive recently. However there is a difference between assertiveness and rudeness and unfortunately she's become rude and obnoxious. Her relationship with DOR is :blink: too.
the whole "you live your life behind the phone" was rude, because she's making a huge assumption in that moment. it's possible he did have the question on there. maybe she just could've waited to answer him until he looked up?

and then the second time she condescendingly talks to the reporter she cuts him off; maybe he was going to ask what she thought of her chances at the oscars now that she won the golden globe. she didn't let him finish.

yeah; i am sad that i agree - she's coming across as a little crass and self-centred lately. too much success and money too soon?
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She is only 25 ... I'm glad there was no one around wanting to record for posterity the stupid, arrogant things I was saying at that age ;)
You're right she's young.. But she is getting far less humble and appreciative of where she's at. That journalist is in the industry just like she is, just at a different level, it's just a matter of respect and humility for everyone you encounter I believe. Aside from that, I didn't really dig her style choices for the night.
I suspect pixiedust is right, she's trying to be assertive, and is overshooting the mark, trying to find that balance ... No question it's challenging to be a woman and speak your mind. The tolerance range for us seems to be much narrower than for men.
^ I would have absolutely had the same thoughts for a man. Respect is just a big thing for me, regardless of gender.
^ I would have absolutely had the same thoughts for a man. Respect is just a big thing for me, regardless of gender.

I actually think I'd be tougher on a man; with her, I try to keep in mind that she's young and trying to assert herself, but that's still no reason to be unkind.

Anyway, I find it interesting how much more comfortable she looks in photo shoots compared to the red carpet. She's not a bad model but often looks really awkward at events.
I suspect pixiedust is right, she's trying to be assertive, and is overshooting the mark, trying to find that balance ... No question it's challenging to be a woman and speak your mind. The tolerance range for us seems to be much narrower than for men.

I agree. Well said.
you all are saying she is young etc. she´s not 17 thinking she´s super grown up. she is 25. 25 is grown up.
25 is of age. At 25, men's brains finish developing, so she is one step ahead of that. As it happens, I am old enough to be Jennifer's mother, and 25 is young no matter which way you cut it. In my experience and observation, it's only at 35-40 that you really begin to come into your own. One of my college roommates was a journalist, and she did record some of the things I said at that age. Totally cringe-worthy.

I'm not saying her words aren't up for criticism. I'm just pointing out why I believe that should be accompanied by compassion, as well as looking for the double standard.
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I don't care about how young she is, I'm 21 and I would have never said something like that, especially when you are one of the most famous actress at the moment and at the Golden Globes! Come on! She thinks she's the coolest girl and that she can say whatever she wants, people are going to think she's so funny and weird. That was indeed funny at the beginning, I used to love her, but now it's just too much. I'm sure when she said that rude comment, she thought people were going to admire her for speaking out loud. I think she needs to calm down because she's pissing everyone off. Not good for her career.

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