Jennifer Lawrence

The JLaw fatigue is kind of undeniable at this point. I love her, but her charm and wit has started to dissipate over this awards season. What was once funny and refreshing is now brash and ignorant. And with two blockbusters set for 2016, it seems like there really is no way for her to take a break out of the spotlight.
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25 is of age. At 25, men's brains finish developing, so she is one step ahead of that. As it happens, I am old enough to be Jennifer's mother, and 25 is young no matter which way you cut it. In my experience and observation, it's only at 35-40 that you really begin to come into your own. One of my college roommates was a journalist, and she did record some of the things I said at that age. Totally cringe-worthy.

I'm not saying her words aren't up for criticism. I'm just pointing out why I believe that should be accompanied by compassion, as well as looking for the double standard.

I think that can probably said about any age seen from the point of elder people
well she's 25 but she's been in this business for a couple of years now. I'm sure he wasn't the first journalist whose native language isn't English and who looks at his phone to read off questions. her comment was really uncalled for, I think she tried to come across as funny and outspoken, but she clearly didn't.
I'm a bit younger than Jennifer and I honestly don't understand how being so arrogant, so rude and inconsiderate has to do with being 25. I know me and my friends would never act like that.

Many things are said about our generation and our entitlement, I'm quite fed up with people either using it as an excuse to bash youth or as an excuse to justify certain behaviours. Some people are just d**kheads no matter their age. Jennifer wasn't like that at all when she first came out with Winter's Bone. She built this whole funny "girl-next-door from Kentucky" persona that's so not into the Hollywood game and who doesn't care to tell it like it. The problem is that she's not that girl anymore and this whole schtick is becoming more obnoxious and aggravating because you can tell that it's now forced and overthought. Just like her and Amy's presentation at the GG.

She's 25, at the top of her game, with Hollywood at her feet, banking 52 million dollars per year, being paid 15 million dollars to wear clothes she doesn't care about, getting constant praise for average performances of roles that should be given to older actresses but she doesn't care about that ( I haven't seen JOY yet though). She doesn't care either to say that DOR has so much respect for her that he calls her " a man" or consider her like one of the guys. Which is one of the most messed up misogynistic things I've ever read. She doesn't care to put down a journalist who clearly isn't a first-language english speaker or to describe her style has "sl*tty power lesbian"... She thinks she's so funny, so irreverent and so cool like her vulgar friend Amy Schummer but IMO she just comes off as rude.

This whole act has nothing to do with age , it's just an act period. It oesn't make her any more reliatable or just like us. Adele feels very reliatable without trying so hard IMO. And even though she swears like a french sailor she's never rude nor condescending. Jlaw is starting to rub the public the wrong way because she doesn't feel genuine anymore. We see her everywhere and everytime it seems like she has chronical verbal diarrhea.

It's sad because I use to really be fond of her.
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She's one of those people that puts on this aw shucks I'm so humble facade, but is really a huge egotist.

Speaking of.... Her statement on her 4th Oscar nomination....

I am beyond grateful and humbled by this nomination. I feel incredibly honored to be recognized among the other amazing women in this category. Joy is an incredibly inspiring story about an ordinary woman who does extraordinary things. For me, working with David O. Russell has been nothing short of extraordinary, and I share this nomination with him as well as our incredible supporting cast. I could not be more proud to be a part of this film and thankful to the producers and Fox for their unyielding support.
I didn't watched 'Joy' and I'm not planning on to, but I heard it's not that good and some people are pretty surprised she got nominated. The academy might love her, I don't know, because the last two by DOR were boring imo...
^I don't get why she gets so much nominated at all. But it is very thrilling that someone so young has been nominated so much, and have won.
I saw most of Joy, I didn´t think it was a good movie so I didn´t finish it. She was terrible miscast imo. Joy was supposed to be a woman in her 30s, I didn´t believe for one second that Jennifer was a divorced woman with kids ages 10 or so... specially cause Jennifer looks very much her age, even younger.
Aside from winter's bone, I never understood why she got any oscar nominations. She's not really that good, and her American hustle on off accent was awful. Silver linings was a good performance but not oscar worthy at all (and the whole age thing was annoying). I used to like her, but now she just seems full of herself and feels untouchable, and her relationship with DOR is kinda unsettling because he's not a good guy. She's funny sometimes but mostly she just comes off as naive and unintelligent
^ agree on your assessment of her roles: best winter's bone; next silver linings.

as for her "PR" statement, someone needs to learn some new adjectives!

I am beyond grateful and humbled by this nomination. I feel incredibly honored to be recognized among the other amazing women in this category. Joy is an incredibly inspiring story about an ordinary woman who does extraordinary things. For me, working with David O. Russell has been nothing short of extraordinary, and I share this nomination with him as well as our incredible supporting cast. I could not be more proud to be a part of this film and thankful to the producers and Fox for their unyielding support.

thesaurus dudes! :lol:
Jennifer Lawrence has lined up her next movie project and she will be playing Marita Lorenz, the former lover of Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

The 25-year-old Oscar-winning actress will star in Dear Fidel, which has been written by Eric Warren Singer, the co-writer of her previous film American Hustle.

Dear Fidel follows Marita and “how in 1959 she met and began an affair with Cuban leader Fidel Castro when she was 19 years old. After becoming pregnant and having an abortion, Lorenz left Cuba and joined anti-communists in the US, getting recruited by the CIA for an assassination mission. In 1960, she returned to Cuba to carry out the mission but, according to lore, yielded to love,” reports The Hollywood Reporter.



vanity fair pinterest
She has zero neck in the second picture:unsure: Maybe Jane Fondas hand is reeealy heavy.

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