Jessica Simpson trashes Ashlee

Taper-Jean Girl said:
^^oh I'm so tired of hearing that old spin that "shes not that dumb, she just plays dumb" Oh please, if they were smart, or had any sort of class or integrity they wouldnt HAVE to live up to the old blonde bimbo mysitque. For gods sake this is 200-f*cking-5, we've sent women into space, a women holds the third highest office in the land, women hold seats as CEO's in fortune 500 companies. When are we not only going to let this stereotype die, but BEAT IT INTO THE GROUND!! Jessica, Paris and the whole lot are an embarrasment to women. We should be allowed to repossess their vaginas and banish them to a media-free island in the south pacific, where they 'work' on their tan and prance around in bikinis 24/7 which is the only thing theyre good for.

Yep. Lots of women are successful in business, law, finance, whatever. But how many of them are as famous as Jessica and Ashlee? Just because it's 2005, the role and stereotype of women haven't changed that much. I don't want to get into it because this thread is about jessica and ashlee, but don't forget... they're just playing into what WE want. More people across the world probably read OK! Hello! or the National Enquirer more than they read Forbes or the Financial Times... I don't really think you can say they're bimbos and stupid just because they choose to become famous for having a reality tv show and "singing" rather than working their way up the corporate ladder of flying into space.

I'm not stupid and far from being a bimbo but I couldn't make a record that sold millions of dollars, have my own reality tv show, start my own clothes label or like Mary Kate and Ashley, have my own merchandising empire. It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance and certainly more brains than you give them credit for.
they don't really work behind the desk and take care about their empire by themselves you know... i've done research for my school assessment last year about dualstar..
Before their legal age, the only thing MK and Ash was actually work on is their image.
There is a people behind it, who take control on their company.

Bdw, that article is so funny.. :lol:
^^ yep but it's still their face and their name and ultimately theirs, cause they own it.
VainJane said:
Jessica's not trying to get a freaking Pulitzer, she's just a singer. No one cares if she has the IQ of Einstein or speaks like the Queen of England.

This is showbiz-- ditzy blondes with big breasts get money...and she's utilizing that stigma and making a buttload of cash...Jessica is laughing all the way to the bank :innocent:

okay, thats true that shes getting paid outta the *** to be a moron, but she doesnt have to be! She has a beautiful voice, I dont much care for her 'music' and its tragic that her career only became 'significant' when she confused tuna for chicken...I think we have to ask ourselves why, as a society, we find moronic top-heavy blondes appealing. Because it couldnt be further from sexy, IMO...:yuk: :sick:
Taper-Jean Girl said:
^^oh I'm so tired of hearing that old spin that "shes not that dumb, she just plays dumb" Oh please, if they were smart, or had any sort of class or integrity they wouldnt HAVE to live up to the old blonde bimbo mysitque. For gods sake this is 200-f*cking-5, we've sent women into space, a women holds the third highest office in the land, women hold seats as CEO's in fortune 500 companies. When are we not only going to let this stereotype die, but BEAT IT INTO THE GROUND!! Jessica, Paris and the whole lot are an embarrasment to women. We should be allowed to repossess their vaginas and banish them to a media-free island in the south pacific, where they 'work' on their tan and prance around in bikinis 24/7 which is the only thing theyre good for.

Seriously, THE best thing i have read on here by far!! KARMA FOR YOU!!:woot:

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