Just a Thought on LV bashing...


i dont think you should worry about this too much :)
i love LV.. i love cherry blossoms, and i eve love the multicolor(gasp)..

yes, there are tons of fakes around, but who cares?
if YOU love LV and if YOUR lv is the only authentic LV in the street you are walking down, you shouldnt be worried that ppl might consider your bag as a fake too, you should actually be proud that there are THAT many fashion victims who just cant get it right and YOU can... YOU should be proud that you can carry your LV bag better than 1000 fashion victims out there....

dont listen to ppl who bash lv because of "there are so many fakes" (if YOU are confident enough to carry an LV with STYLE, who cares if there are thousand other wannabees carrying ugly fakes...?? ) or "i hate the monogram" ( monog canvas isnt the only line at lv... they have epi, suhali, exotics, and so many more awesome bags.... )

just dont take everything too seriously.. as long as you love LV, who cares what other ppl think anyways? :)

if you are a true lv lover, LV fakes are the easiest to spot EVER, ive never seen a fake speedy (the one thats being faked the most, i guess) that looks exactly like the real thing... and trust me.. i live in seoul- worlds best place for making AAA+ fakes..
im a Louis Vuitton fanatic/collector and it doesn't bother me one bit if people hate it or think it's tacky or fake. most of them just don't know the company's history and the product enough to appreciate it. plus, most of their knowledge is limited to the classic Mono canvas and Multicolour, hence the "trendy/hype/fad" comments. some only heard or became aware of LV when the Multicolour mania came about. i even find it amusing how strangers doubt the authenticity of some of my bags simply becasue they haven't seen or heard of Monogram Laser, LV Cup or Liege collections.

it's easier to dislike something one can't comprehend.
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Just a note: I didn't read any posts other than the first, so I may be reiterating.

I think the shapes of the LV bags are classics. I don't know about quality, I've never owned one. But all of the shoes and monogram bags with rainbows and stuff are HIDEOUSly ugly. Add to the fact they're ubiquitous, in fake AND real form, and I've just had enough of them.

Sorry, it's not that I'm ignorant. I just don't find LV aesthetically pleasing in any way. I'm allowed, just as much as you are allowed to like it.
wow! i love this conversation..i started a post a while back along the same lines, but the answers to this one are much more intriging!!! i got ripped off on ebay with a fake, and really want to get a real LV speedy. not because they are trendy or anything either. i have actually been put off seeing all these ladies carrying around really bad fakes! i work at a fabric store and i have a few regular customers, older woman probably 50-70 years old, carrying the real LV's and i think its a wonderful thing! they have class and then you see these trend whores who are ultra tacky carrying their fakes around! oh boy! do i have a story for you gals:

this lady came into my work with her "designer". we are a fabric store as well as a gift shop and carry home decor accent statues, silk flowers, etc. she had VERY OBVIOUS plastic surgery, the hole works: the facelift, and nose job and silicon lips. and man was she tacky! i wish i had a camera....she had a tea cup foofoo dog in an isiac mizrahi dog carryier:bright pink fake croc. the other hand, a VERY fake Lv bag. and her "designer " had a matching one. they kept ordering me around like they owned the whole damn store. no please's, no thank yous, just "i want that " and "that one over there". they were in the store for almost an hour, ordering me around to accumulate all this crap for her house. she had j-lo aviator glasses and bright pink and purple juicy couture track suit and stilettos. after they were done "shopping" they went up to pay! hahahah both their credit cards were denied, and the atm machine outside wouldn't give em any cash either because they had exceeded their daily withdrawal limit. i wanted to roll on the floor laughing!!!!! all the tacky lady kept saying is "this is impossible! I HAVE money! i HAVE money!" oh...talk about classic!!!
and for me the appeal of LV lies in the persona of audrey hepburn and the classy chic french luggage backstory! not having the monogram on everything. oh how i love breakfast @ tiffanys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't like anything with logos. personally (and everyone is entitled to an opinion, to each his/her own!), i find logo-covered bags, shoes, anything to be extremely tacky. i honestly don't understand the appeal of it. the only thing i can think of is that people like the status thing, and i don't feel the need to tell the world what i paid for my bag or whatever.

this being said, i do love the suhali and triannon lines. beautiful materials, some great shapes, really well-made... i wouldn't mind owning a few pieces! but the monogram or damier? no thanks. i'd rather have a really gorgeous leather bag. and i simply do not understand the epi... it feels so yuck to me.
As a personal preference, I don't like any Louis Vuitton that I have ever seen. I hate logos and monograms, and I detest that poopy brown-and-tan color scheme. When they add other colors to it, like the cherries or the little alien-dudes or do the Multicolore thing, it only makes a bad thing worse, in my eyes. Nothing on earth looks nice with the sewage-brown stuff, and the colors on a Multicolore remind me of an old 8-bit color computer monitor. If the colors were anything like harmonious, I might have more admiration for them, but when the day is out, they are fairly basic-looking bags with a logo-print, and we're back to square one, the point where I don't like logos.

Also, my god they are expensive! Most of them are like $1000+, right? I can easily think of 100 things I would rather spend that money on!
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I think a lot of people associate LV bags with their grandma, too, which can ruin the appeal of any bag (ie Chanel in my case).
That being said, I do love the speedy, the Alma, and the Papillon shapes. All the other shapes are just plain ugly to me. I do love the Suhali and Trianon lines and believe it or not, I love a lot of the new stuff they've done. I like the multicolor, cherry blossom, and denim bags, and I especially like the new quilted monogrammed leather. But, I hate how overpriced each of those collections are - it just makes me think that LV is so full of themselves that they think they can charge triple what a bag is really worth.

Most of their classic stuff is boring and the Damier is beyond ugly - but I would never bash LV as a whole. They have some good stuff and some very bad stuff. It isn't fair to say everything by LV is tacky.
Louis Vuitton is ugly, not personally, his bags. That monogram canvas is the same colour as dark brown poo and nasty, runny yellow diahorrea. If someone was willing to tell me what exactly is classic about Louis Vuitton then I would be glad to tell them why they're wrong, but strangely enough, nobody ever can tell me.
Yea I agree with the sh*t comment. I've always said that that the brown monogram looks a horrid color of sh*t. BUT it's classic because the Japanese flower monogram was created in the earlier years of the company and it hasn't really been changed since... unlike Gucci who seems to introduce a new symbol/monogram every year.
LV haters.... go choke on these:


about the poo comments...

i personally wear a lot of muted colors, denim and earthtones: beiges olive greens, rusts, ets. i think by this time in my life, that i kinda hate color: red, pink, bright blue...anyhting bright like that i cant stand to wear. so i was thinking that the browns, chocolate and clay-color on the LV bags, would fit my style. and because im normally not a logo gal, i see it as a texture to an outfit....just my thoughts on the situation. because as much as hermes bags cost and a whole heck of a lot of other bags out there, i dont like seeing them in those bright colors: a bright red hermes bag...icky. to me those look tacky, any bags in bright *** colors that women match their makeup and nail polish to:sick: :yuk:
I cringe every time I see those horrible LV multicolor fakes.

I admit it -- I have a black multicolor Trouville. I saw a picture of it somewhere, fell in love with it and purchased it when it came out. I still love it. Most days I have to wear a suit to work. With a simple black suit and pumps, it doesn't look nearly as tacky as you might think.
i dunno...im just not a color girl. i have a tan chloe, a black gucci, had a blood red YSL and couldn't come to terms with it so i sold it. i think im hopeless.
Holy shite. Ok, now I'm seriously convinced. That huge pile of LV luggage really does look like a pile of sh*t.
I don't pay attention to opinions posted here on the Fashion Spot about my bags... specifically the rude and crude ones. There is a difference between having strong opinions and just being a hater. Makes me wonder if they are that verbally crass in real life.

The internet is loaded with "online-toughies".

- L
The internet is loaded with "online-toughies".

- L[/QUOTE]\

hahahahahah:lol: aint that the truth...like they have nothing better to do than waste their time on negative comments...man. i think maybe they just are all bitter because they want your collection:p
This thread definitely hit me hard!! Lately I am torn between this "love - hate" situation with LV. I own 9 LV bags, pretty much 1 from each line, you name it, monogram, damier, mini monogram, vernis, multicolor, cerises, even panda. Up until recently I really loved my LV bags, I thought they fit my style, clothes in my wardrobe. I was especially drawn towards the murakami collections.

But 4 things really make me feel like I probably won't buy any more Lv bags in the near future.

1. Their quality IS going downhill....I remembered when i got my 1st epi bag in lavender, I adore it, the craftmanship, the color, the quality. But in the past couple years I have seen cowhide leather trim that is peeling off, 2 handles on the mini HL not symmetrical, multicolor print or cerises print not good (I have seen half cherry), now no, I am NOT talking about fakes, I saw all these on authentic bags in LV stores! Sure not every bag is like that in LV but sometime I really wonder if they have such a thing called quality control...In fact, because of all these "flaws" in the bags, I sometime have to go back to the store for exchange.

2. They increase their prices 3 or 4 times a year in 2004, which I really think it's ridiculous, that make me feel like they are so full of themselves. it's like saying "because MY fans are so obssessed with ME that they will still buy ME no matter what's written on MY price tag...." Now to me that's just wrong. With their prices I can probably get some nice LEATHER bags, not canvas.

3. This is more personal, just the fact that I am kinda getting tired of seeing them (real & fakes) everywhere. not that i can't tell which one is fake, and of course fake can never be real, but I guess overexposure is the term for it.

4. I guess I have just learned that I should investment in things that will last longer, not just for the hype. I have to admit I am really easily get drawn to a hype, maybe that's partly the reason why I liked murakami stuff a lot. I have to admit murakami is talented (although not to everyone's taste), and his multicolor or cartoon characters might have even provide a different kinda dimension in LV (I used to think LV is boring, and for older people only with that kinda of color and shape). But now I started to think, I can still use a cherry speedy when 10 years later with 2 kids. This hit me because lately I have seen fat, old women with super ugly clothes on carrying cherry speedy in a high-end mall. This really hit me coz their look just destroy the entire feel for the cherry bag. Cherry bag is meant to be sweet, young, girly. It's not for a grandma.....dress appropriately according to your age is what I mean......maybe after a few years I will be "too old" to carry those murakami bags. Now those bags aren't cheap and i don't want to just leave them in mu closet and admire them once in a while. To me a bag is for you to use, not being able to use it is really a waste. So from this I learned that I should really consider more about the "usage" life of a bag before paying 1000 bucks.

After all though, I do think that Lv IS and always will be a classic and not every LV bag is bad, or ugly, or tacky, whatever the term is. I still use some of my LVs except that now I go for more timeless (damier belem PM for example, though it's a new model but I do think the style is a combination of classy, cute, young and functional), or uncommon pieces (like a pink Kathleen bag from last year, pink fits me well and I love pink!). As for my murakami bags, the good thing is there’s ebay and there are always some hardcore LV fans out there!! J
pietonne said:
Personally I feel like the design of LV bags are nothing really special, and the quality can be found in other brands, the only real draw for MOST people is the logo and the fact that they think it makes them look wealthy. Of course this isn't true for everyone, and is certainly not an attack towards you, but there are a lot of people who buy LVs only to show off.

I agree 100%. Most of the people you see carrying the monogram don't even realize that it's PLASTIC COATED CANVAS with leather trim. :shock: I'd rather spend my money on a trendy bag that's made well than a "classic", over-priced canvas bag.

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