Quality Of Designer Bags - Worse Now Than Before?

Bottega Veneta and Hermès are the first that comes to mind...

Mulberry are still OK even though their quality has gone down the past 5-10 years... Louis Vuitton are also great quality in my experience.
i am not in the position to be able to compare old and new bags as i am relatively new to buying designer bags, but i do not buy the 'buy designer's because it will last a lifetime' exchuse. if i buy designers' bags, it is becasue i like the item itself. the costs of designer bags do not convey quality to me, but only status. i have found myself in situations in whiuch my fendi mama strap got broken and they wanted me to pay to have it repaired on top of delivery expenses, which i thought it was a joke considering how expensive the bag itself was.
i wish i could be as happy buying highstreet bags, but i find myself falling in love with some designer bags, although i am the first one to say that they are overpriced and not superioir in quality to any other bag out there; this is only my opinion
I don´t think bags are as good as they used to. I´m sorry but I don´t blieve all that rubbish about certain bags being made "in small tailleurs all by hand" when they do hundreds or dozens per year, that made sense 50 years ago but not today. The quality has nothing to do with the price but status. Last year in New York my friend wanted to buy a Chanel bag but she forgot about it when we touched and saw the quality of the leather, oh my, that wasn´t a $1.300 bag at all!:(
Ambidextrous, I am having an amazing experience with my bottega veneta tote, great great quality.
personally, almost every designer bag i've owned or my mother or friends have owned has had issues with it.

all of us have had at least one designer bag that had consistent "issues" that needed fixing.

yes, the boutique always bent over backwards to address the situation and fix the bag and i do believe part of the price is the service you get with the bag, but honestly, i'm another one that believes the line about old tailors working night and day handcrafting the bags is rubbish... lol... sure they are!

i buy into it, but i am very, very cynical about designer bags and their actual "value". you're buying a name and a status symbol and quality? not so much.

actually, i think you're also paying for design, the art of the bag. they are beautiful items to own. but again... quality? no, not so much in my opinion.

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