Charlotte*,I agree with you completely. They actually remind of alot of Belgian designers just in their approach; in that they tend to design in an organic manner. I don't think its as innovative but I admire their thinking. Karen,is probably only popular because she's perhaps the strongest talent coming from NZ. There are other good ones though.Originally posted by charlottesometimes@Oct 25th, 2003 - 5:25 pm
Thanks for the pics Prada and Lolita. Karen Walker's work has never really been my 'cup of tea' but it's great to see her getting her work out there and known. IMO there are some great designers in 'Kiwiland'.
(I'm going to NZ at Christmas to visit my hubby's family and as usual will come home with bags bulging full of great NZ fashion)
There is one designer you should check out when there,called Trelise Cooper(I saw her on an episode of that TV show Big Boutique) who has some interesting things. Kind of deconstructive but very well composed and flattering.