Keira Knightley lies about her past

lunabella said:
i don't think keira lied. why would she? i think her jealous classmates and schoolmasters have more of a motive to be lying.

Why would she? because the public likes a "i worked hard to get this" story rather than someone who had the contacts so would get there whether they could act or not.
School teachers from a place like that would never compromise their position by lying-trust me, I know, I went to one of those schools. I'm suprised they even talked.
Even Abraham Lincoln told America he lived in a log cabin-which he certainly did not. But hey, he got into the White House, didn't he?
Of course it's easy to dismiss her fellow students and headmaster as jealous. It's such a cop out argument; they all seem to actually be less jealous and more confused as to why Kiera's lied.

I've no doubt Kiera has exaggerated her past to win some brownie points. It's to offset the one thing that people generally believe that has made her a star: N-E-P-O-T-I-S-M
There are many reports of bullyied people. I believe she really suffered from this at school, and she did very well in talking about her problems. Schools should be more aware of these situations.
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Anyone saying they find it weird that the school would talk to newspapers its not really, if you look, the teachers aren't saying anything derogatory in the slightest just that they never knew they she was dyslexic. Obviously the bloke is *cough* slightly bitter but if papers, expecially tabloids, get a lead (especially when it comes to A-listers) they will follow it and I don't find it strange to imagine them calling her school and asking the simple question "Hello, how did you find Keira Knightley when she was at school here? Did you have any idea she was dylexic?". Her headmaster will have said something very nice, polite and honest. No biggie.

I'm inclined to believe this story but only cos I'm a Keira-hating cow!
she is a crap actress with lucky parents, she should just be grateful she has a pretty face because if she didnt have that there wouldn't be much left. I hate that she is claiming she is so badly dyslexic it can be terrible to suffer from dyslexia but she proberbly wouldn't know that seeing as she read pride and prejudice at 7 so she is obviously not.
ShesElectric said:
Funny how right now at the Oscars she just said she read Pride & Prejudice at the age of 7... kind of hard for a dyslexic child isn't it? Apparently it's even harder to keep a story straight.

:shock: Are you serious? Geez, that's insane! I'm 20 and I have to inch through that book!

I wonder if she read the edited version with the big colorful pictures? :rolleyes:
I am not sticking up for her, but popular girls get picked on too. This girl I went to school with was one of the most beautiful and pleasant girls I had met and she was in the "popular group"... anyway it wasn't until after high school that I found out she was bullied and tormented mercilessly by her very own group - which led to several problems in her life. I felt so bad for her.

ANYWAY, I'm just saying the bullying part could be true. But the dyslexic story sounds a bit confusing - especially if she read Pride and Prejudice at the age of 7.
ShesElectric said:
Funny how right now at the Oscars she just said she read Pride & Prejudice at the age of 7... kind of hard for a dyslexic child isn't it? Apparently it's even harder to keep a story straight.

whenever i heard her talk about loving pride and prejudice since she was a kid, she talked about listening to the audio version
Fabulyss said:
This is so so true and its pathetic the way middle America (for example) completely falls for it.

Does middle america have some kind of reputation for being well... stupid? I don't think I get this :doh:
I would like to hear from people who knew her before-stardom (too big a word...she´s a bit inflated IMHO) to check if she had that silly pout when younger.

It´s sooooooooo annoying and I keep arguing with my friends about it cos some of them find it natural and cute (mostly boys) but it just screeeeeeeeeeeeeams fake to me!:angry:
^I agree with what you're saying but the alternative to the pout is her horrible toothy-sneery way of speaking...she's much better off keeping that mouth shut, even in a pout haha:lol:
They talk about her perpetual put and 'camera face' in Australian Vogue with Sarah Murdoch on the cover.
To me at least it doesnt seem at all like she is trying to make her life sound just seems like shes trying to explain how she didnt exactly enjoy school. Lots of people dont have a rough time at school yet they dread it...its just not for everyone..
She doesn't sound like one who actuallycares whether they liked her or not. She didn't even sound like she wanted to be friends with anyone. As they said, she was too busy with "getting out" there to even concern about that.
ShesElectric said:
Funny how right now at the Oscars she just said she read Pride & Prejudice at the age of 7... kind of hard for a dyslexic child isn't it? Apparently it's even harder to keep a story straight.

she actually said she had it on audio books ..

I'm not sure whether or not I believe this story about Keira, but from what I've heard, she's a lovely person. Everyone has a different reaction to certain events, and they could of assumed she was bragging, whereas she simply just said it a couple of times. I know that people accuse me all the time of being "rude, stuck up, arrogant" and I'm defenitely not. It's all a matter of how people react to situation. I still trust in Keira's story, but we'll have to see how this turns out later.

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