Keira Knightley lies about her past

newprincesita said:
I would like to hear from people who knew her before-stardom (too big a word...she´s a bit inflated IMHO) to check if she had that silly pout when younger.

It´s sooooooooo annoying and I keep arguing with my friends about it cos some of them find it natural and cute (mostly boys) but it just screeeeeeeeeeeeeams fake to me!:angry:

cue interview on Ellen.
I've read a lot of her interviews, and it never seemed as though Keira intentionally tried to ruin the reputation of her school. Just because she said she had a difficult time when she was a teenager doesn't imply that her school was the cause. Teenagers deal with stress and anxiety all the time, and just because people believed she was well-liked doesn't mean that her supposed popularity cured all of her personal problems.

In any case, Keira Knightley may be famous, but she's still a person. She's only human, and nobody is perfect. I believe what she has to say because this doesn't exactly seem like something worth lying about. People are going to judge her based on her talent, not on her past. I think that if she was truly arrogant and condescending, this kind of story would have surfaced much earlier, and in a far more reputable publication than a tabloid.
WhiteLinen said:
You're right :shock:

gwyneth proved, not once, she's a good actress and still continues to have good career, as for Keira ..she still has a lot to prove.. at least gwyneth never lied...:innocent:
what a liar.....cannot stand her.....and that is just because i am having a crap day and cannot stand anyone today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's something about Keira that I don't like. Maybe because I knew girls like her in school. I try not to keep the opinion too solid but she gives off a vibe that instantly makes me dislike her. :/ She's a bratty grammar school girl as far as I can tell.
^^ You know I could say the same thing about Gywneth.

Speaking of whom,

"gwyneth proved, not once, she's a good actress and still continues to have good career"

Um since when? Seen A View from the Top? Shallow Hal, Proof, Sky Captain, Sylvia?

The only hit movie that Gywneth has had is Shakespeare in Love and that was due to endless PR by Harvey Weinstein. As least Keira has the 2 Pirates movies and P&P under her belt.

"as for Keira ..she still has a lot to prove"

I'd say an oscar nom by how old, 19? 20? is a pretty good start.

"at least gwyneth never lied"

about what? Please. Gywneth would be nowhere if it wasn't for her famous parents (more so than Keira's) or her dad's famous friends ie her "uncle" steven speilberg. She only got into college because Michael Douglas wrote her a recommendation letter. Gywneth is the worst example of someone getting famous based on family connections and who she dated (brad). If Not for the fact that Harvey Weinstein campaigneD non-stop for Gywneth and deprived Cate Blanchett of her rightful oscar, Gyweth would be working in TV movies about now.

I don't understand why people insist on dredging up Keira's experiences in high school. She was a teenager. I don't know of too may people who had a great adolescence or had a fun time at high school. I had horrible experiences at high school, getting verbally abused by some of the kids in my classes. I never told anyone about it then but it doesn't mean it didn't happen. So how can anyone here denigrate Keira's experiences? Just because you don't like the girl and she's popular now doesn't mean that she's lying about how she was picked on when she was younger.
Keira never lied about her past at all....
That whole article is complete crap -- obviously and shamelessly slanted.

You could find someone from ANYBODY'S high school who'd be willing to bad mouth them. What's really interesting is that The Mirror could only find one or two for Keira. And that headmaster who said he doesn't remember Keira having reading problems didn't even come to her school until she was well into her teens -- Keira said she struggled with reading when she was around six or seven.

And she never claimed that she was bullied. She only said that she heard people making bitchy remarks about her, which is, in fact, entirely true.
Hollywood stars these days. Don't want to believe either side....
^ Hollywood has always been about image. In the past, studios kept a tight reign on their stars. They were very manufactured, just as their images are tightly controlled now.
"You could find someone from ANYBODY'S high school who'd be willing to bad mouth them."

True, even more so now that Keira is famous and her ex school mates can make some $$ and/or a name for themselves bad mouthing her to the press.

"And that headmaster who said he doesn't remember Keira having reading problems didn't even come to her school until she was well into her teens"

Depending on the size of the school there could have been several hundred students there, I'd be hard pressed to believe that the headmaster could even remember Keira was a student let alone the details of her education. My brother was dyslexic and I would think that the only person at his school who could tell you of this fact was his classroom teacher and that's only if she could remember him amongst the hundreds of other kids she taught over the yrs.
I just wanted to say, on people saying they don't remember Keira having reading problems, so many people graduate from high school these days without having even basic English and Mathematical skills. They often get to university or into various jobs and find that they don't have the basic skills needed. Many can't spell properly and many have problems with grammar.

The number of people who get passed in high school and university when they really shouldn't be is rather astonishing and very unfortunate. How can young adults be expected to have all these skills later in life when they aren't given the foundations for them as children?

So, it wouldn't be at all difficult for Keira to have gone through school with dyslexia or other difficulties and not have it picked up by anyone.
Ha, I believe this. I've also heard from people that she's weird; testy, standoffish, and bratty. It's sad that people lie to try and have a "hard knock" background. It used to be different, stars would try and make their lives seem more normal (Demi Moore).
"It's sad that people lie to try and have a "hard knock" background."

How is admitting she was dyslexic and saying she had problems at school trying to have a hard knock background? I don't think Keira is trying to make out that she came from a poor family, was abused, came from a broken home or that she had a rough time of it growing up ie we lived on the streets, we had no money, I got shot in a drive by etc. She's simply stating that she got picked on in school, something that is sadly all too familiar these days.
^^ You know I could say the same thing about Gywneth.

Speaking of whom,

"gwyneth proved, not once, she's a good actress and still continues to have good career"

Um since when? Seen A View from the Top? Shallow Hal, Proof, Sky Captain, Sylvia?

The only hit movie that Gywneth has had is Shakespeare in Love and that was due to endless PR by Harvey Weinstein. As least Keira has the 2 Pirates movies and P&P under her belt

box office profit has always been a real proof when it comes to film quality. :rolleyes:
it's nice how you claim harvey w. is the only reason why she got an oscar, you can say the same thing about PRing endlessly keira as a good actress and still...yeah..she really was the main reason why pirates succeded. who the hell is johnny depp anyway, right?
"as for Keira ..she still has a lot to prove"

I'd say an oscar nom by how old, 19? 20? is a pretty good start.

i agree.
"at least gwyneth never lied"

about what? Please. Gywneth would be nowhere if it wasn't for her famous parents (more so than Keira's) or her dad's famous friends ie her "uncle" steven speilberg. She only got into college because Michael Douglas wrote her a recommendation letter. Gywneth is the worst example of someone getting famous based on family connections and who she dated (brad). If Not for the fact that Harvey Weinstein campaigneD non-stop for Gywneth and deprived Cate Blanchett of her rightful oscar, Gyweth would be working in TV movies about now.

I don't understand why people insist on dredging up Keira's experiences in high school. She was a teenager. I don't know of too may people who had a great adolescence or had a fun time at high school. I had horrible experiences at high school, getting verbally abused by some of the kids in my classes. I never told anyone about it then but it doesn't mean it didn't happen. So how can anyone here denigrate Keira's experiences? Just because you don't like the girl and she's popular now doesn't mean that she's lying about how she was picked on when she was younger

read my second post after that one. i said she (paltrow) didn't lie about her background. she never said she was hatered in her school or anything to get public sympathy. she never hide the fact she upper class girl with strong connections, and in fact, never made up any stories about school so that she becomes hollywood's sweetheart, and she has recived and still is reciving lots of bs cus of it. i'm sorry but i don't belive this story. this is, IMO, just another way of cleaning her (keiras) reputations as a phoney and not very intellent person, as some one said before. at least gwyneth, for me, proved that those connections were worth it.
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She either could be lieing or acctually telling the truth.
Imbo,who cares =D
The fact here is that Keira never lied about her past....
The article is making it seem like she said things she never really said.

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