Keira Knightley lies about her past

"box office profit has always been a real proof when it comes to film quality."

So even though Shallow Hal, Proof, Sky Captain, A View from the Top pretty much bombed at the B.O and got trashed by the critics, they werequality movies huh? Gywnnie hasn't made a "quality" movie in a long, long time. Unlike Keira whose career is on the upswing, Gwynnie's is decidedly on the decline. If you look ay Keira's "peers" like scar-jo, nat and Kirsten then Keira is doing quite well compared to them. If you look at Gywnnie's "peers" ie actresses around her age like Naomi Watts, Kate Winslet, Reese Witherspoon and others then Gywnnie isn't doing as well.

"yeah..she really was the main reason why pirates succeded. who the hell is johnny depp anyway, right?"

I never said she was the reason Pirates succeeded. I said she was in Pirates which was a successful movies. If you look at B.O hits under her belt then Keira has a hell of a lot more than Gwynnie despite the fact that she's at least 10 yrs younger.

"just another way of cleaning her (keiras) reputations as a phoney and not very intellent person"

So Keira isn't intelligent based on what? the fact that she's dyslexic? You know I have more respect for someone like her who admits to her faults and admits she struggles than someone like Gywnnie who tries to come across as superior and holier than thou and acts like she's wordly when she needed help to get into a second rate college and quickly flunked out.
i didn't know proof and sky captain were bashed at critiques, really...
golden globe nomination comes to my mind...oh well...

keira? she made P&P (hail for that), bend it like beckham (really art movie), pirates 1,2,3,4,5 or more and with that kicks gwyneth's ***? this is where our paths separate cus this is a pure taste we're talking about. IMO Natalie and Kirsten kick Keira's into second plan any time.
i didnt say Keira wasnt very intelligent, i said its her reputation, just like Gwyneth's as you said superior and holier and the whole lying thing in Kiera's case is just another try to clean her act and reputation as i said before. do not twist my words, if you dont understand cus of my bad english or whatever i'll try to express myself better, at leat try..but to imply that i think if someone's dyslexic is instantly that's harsh. i'm sorry, but it is.
asina said:
And that headmaster who said he doesn't remember Keira having reading problems didn't even come to her school until she was well into her teens -- Keira said she struggled with reading when she was around six or seven.
Teddington School offers only secondary education so Keira wouldn't have gone there until she was 11 or 12. By then she had, according to her own statements, pretty much overcome her reading problems.
So there's a very good reason why the staff at Teddington School wouldn't remeber much about it. It all happened at a different school.
The headmaster having arrived even later makes it all the more obvious, but even had he been there from the start there's no reason to expect he would have remembered anything about it.
Just because Gwyneth chose to do poor films doesn't mean she is a bad actress or a bad person, or a bad chooser. If you want to be more optimistic about it, you could see the real Gwyneth inside her choices and see that it's not about the material things, but about working, so quantity over quality. She like us needed to make a living, and if that was what was offered at the time, then so be it. Who are we to judge her film choices? She did Shallow Hal because she wanted to be in a movie with Jack Black--her friend; should she have turned her friend down because she though/knew it would be a box office disaster? Then those who claim she's a bad actress and made bad choices would just label her as a "b*tch" for not wanting to be in a movie she knew would not suceed. So, either way, in this world, Gwyneth just CAN'T win! Have any of you who claim she's in a way and not in these words but--spoiled and snotty--actually ever met her? So how do you know how she is? And how do you know she wouldn't have gottten into college if it weren't for Michael Douglas? That's low, real low. Anyone can get into college if they want. Why not be proud that she got into college and be happy for her that she had the opportunity--or mind your own business? We can't use who she calls her Uncle against her--I'm sure you have wonderful uncles or friends of your parents who you can refer to as aunts uncles just as Gwyneth does--and that's wonderful!

I for one have kind of met Gwyneth. Her and her daugther were looking out of their west village townhouse almost two years ago and the baby, Apple, was excited to see people walking by her window and began waving at us, so my friend and I waved back. Gwyneth smiled at us and Apple was just so happy. Would a Snooty mom let her child who is the baby of celebrities wave at an random person? No--I think it takes a real kind and generous mom and human being to be that trusting especially in the situation at hand.

So before we judge others' lives, we should take a good look at our own lives and learn how to be happy for others--not envious, which is what jealous and hate is.
i can see how some cannot tell if you like school or not. for me, i hated school with a passion for as long as i could remember (mainly due to BS curriculum thy set out). when everyone asked me how school was, i always reply with an "i hate it." and they become so surprised because everyone around me assumed i loved it. but not anymore, because most people know i hate school now :lol:
If I were to become famous, God forbid, I would measure my words carefully, lie about everything, and never, ever apologize -- not after tearing up a picture of the pope, calling someone a terribly racist name, claiming to be more popular than Jesus, punching out a photographer, getting videotaped having kinky sex, doing enough drugs to scramble the brains of Einstein, betting against my own team, hiring undocumented workers, stabbing my spouse with the broken stem of a wine glass, r*ping a starlet with the wine bottle, putting tinfoil in my windows and drinking my own urine---deny, deny, deny--show no fear, and go for the f*cking jugular.

God forbid, you know? "What the f*ck is it to you?": I just wish for once someone famous would come right out and say it. I am lying to you. Do not believe a word I say. Get a life!
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I'd probably lie too because it's really no ones' business your personal life. Heck, I lie about my personal life now to my family and I keep my boyfriend relationships on the DL because sometimes it's best to do that. A LOT less complication.
i wouldn't be surprised... people can be two faced.. and it's not like her ex classmates and headmaster are going to sit down and make a plot to tarnish her image.. what for? they have their own lives to live..
and image of school to perserve after such strong accusations-:)
i think that was the main reason why they all spoke up.
i never liked her before, and i don't think she's either pretty or a good actress.
and she also put her mouth too much!

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