Kirsten Dunst Lets It All Out


Fashionably Late
Aug 21, 2005
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I swear, I don't even know if I believe this is a real interview...who would say this stuff?!

Kirsten Dunst Lets It All Out

DESPERATE Kirsten Dunst bent over Brokebackwards trying to spice up her love life with Hollywood actor Jake Gyllenhaal.

The sexy Spiderman star romped all over the place with her Brokeback Mountain man — but now she sadly admits it couldn't save their three-year relationship.

Kirsten, who plays the title role in new blockbuster Marie Antoinette, said: "Jake and I couldn't last. He's a stay-at-home boy and I'm an out-on-the-town girl.

"We tried to spice things up — we had sex in cars, in the bathroom and even by the sea. The only place we didn't have the guts to try was in a walkway in a hotel because we thought we might get kicked out if we were caught.

"I'm so young, he's so young and I just keep thinking now I need to be on my own."

But Kirsten opened her heart to talk of her secret sadness at the break-up and her hopes for the future.

"Jake was the love of my life," she said. "He was, is and always will be. "Despite what has happened, though, I still have this whole fairytale vision in my head because I was brought up on movies and storybooks that say I'm going to find my soulmate, get married and have a perfect life. "Maybe one day that will be with Jake."

Kirsten, 24, who split with the 25-year-old Donnie Darko star last year, added: "Maybe I'm a weird girl and I just needed a good freak to match me.

"In Jake I believe I found that. He's a dork. That's what I love about him.

"But I felt that at the age of 22 I just wasn't ready to settle for a long-term commitment. "I feel so young and there's still so much to do and see. But I'm not seeing anyone else and as far as I know neither is he..."

Kirsten plays Marie Antoinette—the childish, spoiled and ultimately doomed wife of Louis XVI—in a controversial new film about her life leading up to the French Revolution, out on September 29.

It's a role which Kirsten admits pushed her to breaking point.

She said: "After filming I'd just go home and pass out. I'd have a glass of champagne, which I would never normally do. I mean, who drinks champagne before they go to bed?

"I remember on the first night we were filming I had a bit of a meltdown in my apartment. "I was freaking out and going, ‘How am I going to pull this off?' and ‘What am I going to do?' I felt very vulnerable at times and very alone.

"When I came off set it would be like a weight had lifted off my chest. You know, I'm lucky I'm not at some bar at night doing coke because I was so messed up."

Modest Kirsten explained: "I just never felt worthy of playing the part of Marie Antoinette.

"Normally when you make a movie, everyone calls you to ask how it is going. Well I couldn't talk to anybody, not even my friends. "I just did not have the energy. When filming came to an end it was such a relief and I slept so hard that I woke up with a bloody nose."

But she insists the end product was worth all the pressure and stress.

"When I saw the movie for the first time I was so proud," she said.

"It was like all our hearts and all of our work was in this beautiful little dream we were watching on the screen."

Kirsten became a child star at the age of 11 when she featured in Interview With The Vampire.

During that film she experienced her first screen kiss—with Brad Pitt. But she wasn't impressed.

She said: "I'm sure I'd love to do it now, but back then I was only 11 and all I thought was, ‘Yuk!'" However there is one person who drives Kirsten wild—actress Patricia Arquette, 38.

She admitted: "I have a girlie crush on her. She's a real woman.

"She's not anorexic or perfectly tanned and she's not trying to be anything but what she is—and that's the most sexy thing."

But it's Jake who obviously still has a hold on her heart.

She said: "Maybe some day it will work out for us. I'm sad this happened but my career is blossoming and I want to make the most of every moment.

"We're two people who've been in love and the feelings we have for each other will remain very special.

"I don't believe we're finished for ever...and neither does he."
Is News of the World very reliable? Doesn't sound like stuff she would say...
i'm sorry, i can't even concentrate on what she says because it's presented in such a weird way..

what became of the good old questions&answers type of interview? or the good old well researched article backed up by quotes?

this collecting some one-liners of the interviewed person and throwing in some comments to link them very loosely just looks amateurish.
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Hmm... I don't know how much of this is true...
But I mean... I don't see anything that shocking except the part where she talks about trying to spice up her sex life.. yeah, diden't really need to know that...:innocent:

I can imagine playing Marie-Antoinette was a huge deal for her...

And I also think her and Jake made a very cute couple

ahh... who knows...
I was wondering how, if this is true, it was not reported in more places. Well...Perez Hilton just posted this on his site (still does not mean that this interview is true though!)

Too Much Information!


Is nothing sacred anymore? Shouldn't private things be left private? Or at least have your friends speak "anonymously" for you to Us Weekly or In Touch!
But, Drunkst is declasse.
Kiki is speaking out on the demise of her relationship with Jake Gyllenhaal.
The snaggle-toothed actress reveals to Britain's News of the World that she and GyllenHO broke up because of their "different lifestyles."
Says Drunkst, "Jake and I couldn't last. He's a stay-at-home boy and I'm an out-on-the-town girl. We tried to spice things up - we had sex in cars, in the bathroom and even by the sea. The only place we didn't have the guts to try was in a walkway in a hotel because we thought we might get kicked out if we were caught."
The LAST thing we want to picture is Kirsten Dunst having sex, much less having sex in public!
In the very revealing interview, Kiki says, "I'm so young, he's so young and I just keep thinking now I need to be on my own. Jake was the love of my life. He was, is and always will be. Despite what has happened, though, I still have this whole fairytale vision in my head because I was brought up on movies and storybooks that say I'm going to find my soulmate, get married and have a perfect life. Maybe one day that will be with Jake."
Speaking candidly, Drunkst admitted, "Maybe I'm a weird girl and I just needed a good freak to match me. In Jake I believe I found that. He's a dork. That's what I love about him. But I felt that at the age of 22 I just wasn't ready to settle for a long-term commitment. I feel so young and there's still so much to do and see. But I'm not seeing anyone else and as far as I know neither is he..."
Instead of promoting her new film, Marie Antoinette, Kiki sure is talking about Jakey....a lot!
The actress hold out hope that things could still work between her and GyllenHO. She says, "Maybe some day it will work out for us. I'm sad this happened but my career is blossoming and I want to make the most of every moment. We're two people who've been in love and the feelings we have for each other will remain very special. I don't believe we're finished for ever...and neither does he."
If he wasn't finished with you before, ho, then he sure is NOW!
I think this is a great new method for famous people- instead of letting the people and the presses speculate, just tell them yourself. Eventually, everyone will be so tired of hearing Lindsay Lohan rattle off who she has slept with and Ashlee Simpson spill about her fifteen plastic surgeries, they'll stop caring.

It's genius, really :D B)
i think this is recycled garbage.

1/2 of those quotes -- all the ones about Marie Antoinette, etc are ripped directly from her interview in, erm, Interview magazine.

the additions about her relationship with Jake were NOT in the Interview interview and have probably just been added to this by some idiot writer.

she has never been one to comment on her private life, i doubt she'd start now.
The News of the World is even worse than the sun..its complete and udder trash, and a total waste of trees.
misssakura said:
The News of the World is even worse than the sun..its complete and udder trash, and a total waste of trees.
it news of the world? oh that mean that theres like a 50% minimum chance its not true...
It's FAKE!

From MSN:

Is Kirsten Dunst trying to drum up interest in the upcoming "Marie Antoinette" by unplugging her piehole about former flame Jake Gyllenhaal? Did Scarlett Johansson once try to lure the dreamy-eyed actor away from her? And is Cindy Crawford's beauty regimen dependent on her plastic surgeon's skill with a needle? Here's the latest in celebrity denials:
"Desperate Kirsten Dunst bent over Brokebackwards trying to spice up her love life with Hollywood actor Jake Gyllenhaal," London's News of the World punnily proclaims. "The sexy 'Spiderman' star romped all over the place with her 'Brokeback Mountain' man -- but now she sadly admits it couldn't save their three-year relationship."
The tabloid, in what it trumpets as an "exclusive" interview with Dunst, claims she "opened her heart to talk of the secret sadness" over her now off-again romance with Gyllenhaal.
How open is she? The actress is quoted as revealing that not even "wild sex" ("in cars, in the bathroom and even by the sea") was enough to keep them together.
Titillating stuff, right? There's just one teeny, tiny problem: The interview never took place.
"Clearly this is a fabricated story," Dunst's rep, Stephen Huvane, tells MSN Entertainment. "Kirsten has not given an interview to News of the World and for the most [part] the quotes they list are not hers." In fact, one of the statements attributed to Dunst, in which she laments the loss of Jake while still clinging to "this whole fairy-tale vision in my head, because I was brought up on movies and storybooks that say I'm going to find my soul mate, get married and have a perfect life," is actually from May 2002, several months before they began dating.
Thanks, brokenenglish! I cannot believe a reporter would literally make up an entire interview! That is crazy! Not only did they make it up, but they went all out to make it as juicy as possible!

(Hmmm...I went a little crazy with the exclammation marks)
Don't know which bits are true (if any at all), but I had a laugh at the part where she supposedly said that she slept so hard that she got a bloody nose. hehehe
Huh. I think Jake and Kirsten are perfect for each other though.

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