Via facebook:
Question: "Kylie, why didn't they invited you to this year's VS Fashion Show???Many Thanks"
Kylie: "I decided not to model sexy lingerie anymore. I want to honor my husband and the Lord in everything that I do and I have been praying about lingerie modeling for a while now not knowing whether it was something that I felt 100% right about ...and at the end of the day certain things that are right for others may not feel right for me. I feel as though for me I am compromising my integrity to the person that I have become in Christ. I still love to model swimwear as well a other things. I don't in any way judge others for what they do, this is just a personal thing for me. I just want to honor God! I want to be a great role model to young women everywhere but I want to do being and displaying who I truly am. So here I am. "