Lana Del Rey (September 2011 - November 2012)

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What's wrong with the fuller upper lip? She looks stunning. Whether or not she denies it is her business, no one else's. It's her image, and it's obviously working for her because she's absolutely stunning.
I don't think people would still care about the lips thing by now if it wasn't for her denying it, which is like calling us stupid :lol:
To be more serious between the little lies like this and her nervosity when she performs on TV she comes off as rather "insecure". Not insecure about her talent but about the image she projects. It actually humanizes her to me because her whole Lana Del Rey persona was too contrived. I agree that for artists pretending to be all authentic is an illusion still there's a gap between being willing to play the game and creating an whole new character for oneself. Lana Del Rey has been around for a few months only and there's already all this talk about her, which is a good sign for her really. But in the case where her album is a hit I can't help but wonder how Lizzy Grant will be able to handle the "monster" she created.
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what does her hand tattoo say? does she have other tattoos?
She looks soooo cute in those candids! I don't see anything wrong about her, she's a perfect young woman.

When her album is out?
There is something to be said about over-producing in this album. ''Lolita'' is basically destroyed in the album version. I like all songs better in their demo or previous versions, they all lost their indie pop vibe, though the new ones are quite good.
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There is something to be said about over-producing in this album. ''Lolita'' is basically destroyed in the album version. I like all songs better in their demo or previous versions, they all lost their indie pop vibe, though the new ones are quite good.
couldn't agree more . same goes for National Anthem
i've just listened the album version of Diet Mnt Dew..oh boy..basically all the songs that were already on youtube IMO are better in their demo version :doh:
Aww I can't believe the album versions are different! :doh:
I've been away the past 3 days and haven't listened to anything yet...
LOVE the gold tooth though! :lol::heart: Her smile is lovely.
I'm a little disappointed with the album. I was hoping for more nostalgic songs like Video Games and Born To Die and more "gangsta Nancy Sinatra" songs like Blue Jeans.

Summertime Sadness is brilliant. Million Dollar Man is a bit of a let down having heard her live performance for it. Not a whole lot of standouts beside the songs we've all heard already.
I actually love the whole album start to finish.

It shows off her personal style of singing quite well and it's been made to portray her as a more commercial artist. Which like it or not is what major record labels pretty much always do.
Complex February/March 2012

On her interest in mental health: “I was dealing with a lot of emotional stuff so I know what it is like to be at war with yourself.”
On overcoming her past difficulties with partying and a bad relationship that went on for too long have prompted her interest in helping others who are hurting: “I went through different experiences when I was younger. I know how to go from being a non-functioning member of society to a functioning one. I was reckless. Being human is difficult and some make it more difficult. I was one of those people.”
On those who say she is just another pretty girl who can carry a tune: “I’m interested in the gorgeous side of life, but also familiar with the dark side too.”

what does her hand tattoo say? does she have other tattoos?
According to "M", "paradise", "life is beautiful" and "trust no one".
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My fave of the album is Off To The Races..that's a flawless song. And I like Million Dollar Man and Carmen from those we don't already know.
I think her Complex photoshoot is her best one yet! Captures her style perfectly! :heart:
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Some more candids...

Inside Absolute Radio/Outside BBC radio studios - London Jan 23

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NME Jan 28 2012 & Interview Germany February 2012

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