Lana Del Rey (September 2011 - November 2012)

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apparently that's not the finished version yet
and somebody's angry lol
^who's he?

And the clip is beautifully made and I like it but Born to die was way much more deep.
^ Yoann Lemoine, the video director

I like the part of the video with the alligators. It is pretty but there's not much going on.
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The director I would imagine..I knew sth was off with all the slow motion and not having it appear at lanadelrey's vevo account which is the official one on youtube.
Ugh I'd be so mad if I was Woodkid. But nowadays we already expect videos to leak, everyone knows it will be out before the 'right' date. :rolleyes:
I like it a lot, it's definitely more interesting than Born To Die. Less literal. Quite beautiful. I'll wait for the official version to pay more attention to it though.
Blue Jeans looks good! Lana seems more comfortable in this video. i love the teaser photo as well ^_^

Lucky Ones (Deluxe)

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^so admirable! I love how they played with the reflections, also I LOVE the effects, it is just so epic in black and white!I love the crocodile metaphor too, that being with this guy is just as dangerous as swimming in a pool full of crocodiles! I'm a 100% sure that those people who have been in that situation know exactly what that song is about!
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I'm already in love with this video.
Born to die was really great and original but this one is so sophisticated and beautifuly executed.I'm really impressed. Besides she looks absolutely stunning. I was also wondering if anybody knew the name of the super sexy tattooed guy in her videos ? :flower:
It's a clever and quite deep video. Beautiful, still doesn't top Born To Die for me though.

The moment the camera panned down from that Church roof onto her in the white dress with a red lip I was like.. ICON!
I think I've said this already in Rihanna's thread, pop singers have the special power to get away with certain things (emphasis on certain) that no one else can... Showing the stomach like that would definitely be one of them. (or also very long nails, big jewelry and, well, a gold tooth :lol:) :heart:

Pre-Echo Music Awards dinner at Grill Loyal in Berlin (March 22)
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