The 5-Minute Interview: Laura Bailey, Model and writer
'I seem to have become the slightly cliched scatty blonde'
Published: 05 May 2007
Laura Bailey, 34, is a Barnardo's ambassador, and is taking part in Barnardo's Big Toddle, a half-mile sponsored walk for children under five. To find out how to take part visit or call 0845 270 9900.
I am supporting the Barnardo's campaign because...
One in three children in the UK live in poverty and I find this to be shocking. Barnardo's focuses on the most vulnerable children in society giving them shelter and education. The Big Toddle is a fun day out, but also a way for children to help children.
If I weren't talking to you right now I'd be...
With my son. You've got me while he's taking a nap. Then I'm taking my son swimming.
A phrase I use far too often is...
Where's my phone/keys/sunglasses? I seem to have become the slightly clichéd scatty blonde.
I wish people would take more notice of...
Cyclists. I ride everywhere and wish it wasn't such an adrenaline rush travelling across London.
The most surprising thing that ever happened to me was...
Becoming a model. A holiday distraction became a ten-year career and more.
A common misperception of me is...
That I'm a party girl because of a few pictures. Actually, I'm a part-time recluse. Before I had my son I was happy travelling round the world alone.
I'm not a politician but...
Saving the planet should be priority. I'm backing Brown to bring back credibility to Labour.
I'm good at...
But I'm very bad at...
The ideal night out is...
Dinner in my back garden on a summer's night with old friends, lots of wine and some music.
In moments of weakness I...
Buy Grazia.
You know me as a model, but in a truer life I'd have been a...
Photographer. I wish I was more than just a happy snapper.
The best age to be is...
My 30s have been the best so far. Having my son is the biggest joy.
In a nutshell, my philosophy is this:
"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded" - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Elisa Bray