Lindsey Lohan and Bruce Willis... ew?

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lady grey you obviously live in your own very self involved world. She is not big in the celeb obsessed UK and people don't worship celebs like you because they have a grip on reality. You clearly buy into the hype you are fed. And the reason 'L Lo' looks the way she does is because of plastic surgery and incessant visits to the tanning salon. So you and the 5 people at W who like her can go and preach your views elsewhere.
It is appalling the time some people spend trying to reason some trashy "celebrity". I for one can say I've never watched any of "L Lo"'s movies. In fact, I had no idea of who she was until I heard of "Mean Girls"(?). Maybe 0,005% percent of my country's population might have heard of this girl and maybe 10% of those actually like her, and that would still be too much.

On a side note, I guess only Pelé has 1 billion fans around the world.
oanadobre said:
As long as they are both consenting adults (and they are), I don't see any problem.

Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's right. He's 51, and she's 18. I don't care what the law says...that's just gross.
L Lo vs pele

YOU rock fox, and we can only hope to rock as hard as L Lo, she really lives it up. plus the Herbie LoveBug movie is coming that will add about another 50 million fans to our beautiful long island princess' constituency.

Pele? maybe in 1975 he was among the most famous humans but thats way out of date. muhammad ali was prob the most famous athlete of 20th century worldwide.
Ronaldo is more famous now & most americans have no idea who he is.
michael jordon is more famous. maybe even shaq too.

anyway put L Lo vs pele in an american poll & its obvious whos more famous in 2005.
L Lo in 2005.
pele in 1975.
worldwide now? maybe equal.
I don't know who has the worst taste :sick:
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lady grey you obviously live in your own very self involved world. She is not big in the celeb obsessed UK and people don't worship celebs like you because they have a grip on reality. You clearly buy into the hype you are fed. And the reason 'L Lo' looks the way she does is because of plastic surgery and incessant visits to the tanning salon. So you and the 5 people at W who like her can go and preach your views elsewhere.
LOL. Agreed.
L Lo brings love like a VW bug

Meg said:
lady grey you obviously live in your own very self involved world. She is not big in the celeb obsessed UK and people don't worship celebs like you because they have a grip on reality. You clearly buy into the hype you are fed. And the reason 'L Lo' looks the way she does is because of plastic surgery and incessant visits to the tanning salon. So you and the 5 people at W who like her can go and preach your views elsewhere.

I like L Lo cos I think shes incredibly hot and has a free-spirit and bon vivant attitude that is inspiring and too rare in the fake hollywood world. :heart:
You sound like a typical L Lo hater. that's so passe & if you knew what's up youd know that the 'in' thing is to like L Lo.thankfully some of the more tasteful posters here like foxy fox have that good taste. :lol:
Im sure the attributes i see in l Lo ['incredibly hot and has a free-spirit and bon vivant attitude that is inspiring'] are ones that you see in other heroes of yours so its all just subjective as always- I dont deny you your heroes or heroines- so you shouldnt be insulting about my love for gorgeous L Lo. :o
its all OPINION.
And whatever you think about L Lo shes on the cover of W shot by michael thompson in a candid interview by robert haskell. B)
last time i checked W has quite a bit more journalistic merit & standing & credibility than your magazine [ALL the tasteful fashion fans here LOVE W like any true fashiionist- YOU??!] so i think i'll side with L Lo & W on this one & you can stay with the L Lo haters. -
I told you L Lo hating is so passe, :ninja:
all the cool kids love L Lo now- like my buds at W.
to quote Herbie the Lovebug : "Beep Beep"!! :lol:
^So you like to do what "the cool kids" do? Do you always go with the "in" thing?
W is a bible for fashionists in usa

Im either leading fashion or following it. push & pull.
I love L Lo cos I love her. not for any mediated reason.
If its in W i love it yes its my us fashion bible. Im hardly alone W has an enthusiastic cult [its americas best magazine & I LOVE mags] &, like vogue, getting in it is a lifetime goal for many many influential people. I am an unabashed total lover of W.
any fashionist regards whats in w & vogue highly, often great, sometimes less good. its not perfect but no self-respecting fashionist can miss an issue of W or vogue its just not allowed. :o the most honest fashionists here will admit that- how can one live without every issue of W or vogue? IMPOSSIBLE. :woot:

the L Lo haters seem insane to me, shes so cute & so fun, i think it may have more to do with teenagers or 20 year olds rejecting that teenage spirit. L Lo is all things good, shes adorable embraceable, fun...delicious. after i read the W article I will have more insights & thoughts, she is magnetic. Beep Beep!!
Ho-Coture said:
He's like 51 years old and she's a TEENager eighTEEN, what does an OLD MAN want with a TEENAGER, it's disgusting and pathetic, she's as old as his daughter.

Oh, please. I didn't see this kind of reaction when Demi hooked up with Ashton. He was king of cool, now Lindsay is queen of trash (which she profesionally is, but this is her private life). I find it unfair, that's all.
lady grey said:
anyway put L Lo vs pele in an american poll & its obvious whos more famous in 2005.
L Lo in 2005.
pele in 1975.
worldwide now? maybe equal.

Darling you're one of a kind. You and your self-absorbed-Star-and-W-driven world. To say that Lindsay Lohan has as many fans as Pele is just so outrageous I can't even be shocked anymore.
oanadobre said:
Oh, please. I didn't see this kind of reaction when Demi hooked up with Ashton. He was king of cool, now Lindsay is queen of trash (which she profesionally is, but this is her private life). I find it unfair, that's all.

The last time I checked Ashton was 21+ when he started dating Demi and he's years older than the oldest child instead of being about only one year older. Ashton was also a grown MAN, while Lindsay is still a TEENAGER, there's is a big difference.

Actually Demi and Ashton got a lot of bad rep and jokes made about them. It was all over the news, newspaper and magazines so on and so forth. They were the butt of everyone's joke for a couple of months. I don't see how you didn't see this kind of reaction when Demi hooked up with Ashton. I don't see late night shows making jokes about Lindsay and Bruce like they did Ashton and Demi
Nemova said:
Darling you're one of a kind. You and your self-absorbed-Star-and-W-driven world. To say that Lindsay Lohan has as many fans as Pele is just so outrageous I can't even be shocked anymore.

Lol, so true. Lady Grey is one of a kind, she might want to seek help for her eerie addictions.

Lady Grey-

not even 50 million people love lindsay, you are living in a world filled with dilusions, people have problems in their lives and things to do rather than obssess with Lindsay Lohan.
lindsay doesnt want a college age zero

pele was a celebrity in 1975.
hes fairly obscure in usa in 2005.
lindsay lohan is an absolute superstar and she will have so many magazine covers the next few years youll choke.

demi moore is allegedly pregnant with ashton kutcher's baby. no one should complain. if lindsay lohan wants to have bf's older than college age, iits her right & business. B)
she made $10 million dollars last year & thats an 18 year old that impresses me. not some mid-western goof earning $7 an hour at mcdonalds. a mcdonalds wage slave is worthless. lindsay is hot & rich. I will summarize her W article where she scoffs at dating a worthless college jerk. what a babe. :heart:
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lady grey said:
not some mid-western goof earning $7 an hour at mcdonalds.
Please don't post ignorant sh*t like this. Thanks.
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