Lindsey Wixson Young

I like her off duty style and I like her on the runway, her chubby cheeks are so cute even though someone would've most probably disagree with me. I certainly hope she won't have Magdalena's sucked in cheeks the next season!!
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yikes! So I was about to say that she has really started to grow on me (despite the fact that I used to HATE her look). But now I guess it was only those shots from POP and LOVE...she looks downright scary and frumpy on the runway.
I think all Lindsey needs is people who understand how to style her face and hair. If done properly she looks amazing.


Lindsey Wixson scans her new Mert Alas + Marcus Piggott lensed editorial and answers a few questions with Marilyn Agency NY's facebook team..
M: What’s on your playlist right now?
LW: The Strokes, Death Cab for Cutie.

M: List the entire contents of your handbag?... See More
LW: Pita chips, 2 hats, jeans, shoes, more pants, a lint roller, trail mix, some papers.

M: What’s your favorite dish that your mother or father makes back home?
LW: Chili – my mother makes the best chili! And my father makes the best polenta, he fries it and it’s delicious, it’s not healthy but it’s very home-style. I make polenta, grilled cheese sandwiches, mac and cheese, i’m also really big into desserts – brownies, one time there was a bake sale at my school and i baked all this stuff, it took a long time.

M: What was the last book you read and finished?
LW: I’m not a big reader, i’m more into writing, i write a lot of journals – diaries about what’s going on in my life.

M: If you had to be a guy for a day?
LW: Johnny Depp, he has this style like he doesn’t care about anything. He’s so cool.

M: You were the face of Mui Mui – that was the first big thing in your career, what has that meant for you?
LW:It was GIANT, representing that brand was a big deal, they’re very established and being the only girl in that campaign was really big, it was always actresses or groups of models, never one girl so that was really big because they’d never done that before.

M: What do you hope for out of NY Fashion week?
LW:Lots and lots of shows, it’s really busy, I’m doing a lot right now.

M: What would you be doing if you weren’t a model right now?
LW: I would be in Kansas at school being a normal teenager.
Marilyn Agency Facebook page.
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I think the way she looks at Haxa by Kuho is 100% due to the lighting. It looks like it was lit from the sides/bottom?
lol the thing about her baking brownies for the school bake sale is TOO cute.. sort of reminds you she is just a teenager :heart:
they posted it on their facebook page :heart:
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Thanks for the W pics, mariemaud! I'm just so happy for Lindsey! :wub:
man, in the profile shot that Flashbang posted, she looks a lot like young angelina jolie.
has this ad been posted yet? It is new to me.. B)


take from this article (in spanish)

modelar a los 12 años en Wichita, Estados Unidos, donde vive. Sus padres pensaron que se trataba de una fase que superaría más adelante, pero el célebre Steven Meisel decidió fotografiarla para la edición de Vogue Italia luego de ver un video que ella misma subió al sitio

Luego de desfilar para Prada y Miu Miu, la línea de ropa de precio accesible de la diseñadora Miuccia Prada, Lindsey es ahora el nuevo rostro de la campaña Primavera-Verano 2010 de Miu Miu.

Con sólo 15 años, la falda de esta modelo adolescente con aires a Twiggy, puede ser demasiado corta en la imagen que ya se ha difundido, pero ella también tiene sus límites.

En una sesión de fotos con Craig McDean, Wixson pidió un sostén porque su top dejaba ver todo. "Tengo 15 y aunque me asusté un poco, sé que mi mamá se hubiera asustado mucho más", cuenta la modelo.

Esta belleza estadounidense abrió el desfile estival de Prada y cerró el de Miu Miu. La firma italiana dice que ella tiene "más que un toque de gacela", aunque parece muy apropiada para representar a esta temporada estival con toques felinos. Además, señaló que Wixson encarna el espíritu libre de la femineidad.

En tanto, el dúo de fotógrafos Mert and Marcus capturaron las imágenes de este anuncio de moda en Londres.

source of photo and article:

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