Her face is amazing, for me she has the "doll face" but not as the typical boring doll faces
as other models
For me she's one of the most interesting new models around, the other new ones are boring
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^she was such a breath of fresh air at Versace Im just a tad bit worried that her success doesnt last, dont want her to be one of those one-season-wonders, due to her special look
^fingers crossed for Prada or Miu Miu...
I still don't understand why Raza got Prada
Lindsay's face is much much more interesting than Raza's
I don't mean that Raza's face is not interesting but...
^I think it was all well planned to put Rasa in the Prada campaign and save Miu Miu especially for Lindsey. I'm really happy it turned out the way it did, she worked the ads perfectly. Wouldn't be surprised if she repeated them this season
My love/ hate relationship with Lindsey still hasn't changed that much, but seeing that Benny Horne shot: I defenitely LOVE this one
I always enjoy her the most when she's styled quite minimal, not over the top and brings out her natural "eeryness" and unique features herself. The video by Chadwick Tyler is the best example for this
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