I have to agree on that,I've been hundreds of times in Spain and I think that they and the italians are the prettiest in west Europe. The Spanish are sexy but at the same time they look misterious, I mean is not a vulgar sexy such as Jennifer Lopez or Beyoncé or any of those american artists, they are the "SEXY" because they are born like that,it doesn't like as if they were posing or fake.That´something I love about the Spaniards, they are not fake at all, everything in them seems to be so natural!
Youmust all go to Spain, is awesome.
arn80, gracias por lo de mi buen castellano,faltaría menos, he estado muchisimas veces en Espana( perdona lo de Espana, pero es que mi teclado es francés). Me han gustado mucho tus fotos, Marina es genial y su nombre es my bonito tambien.Tienes suerte de vivir en un lugar tan magnifico.
Adios, Guapeton(ahora si que lo he dicho bien,hahaha)