Mary-Kate still loves Stavros

Breakups are hard on everyone, but I can't imagine how painful it would be to have to see your pictures everywhere and read articles about it! Poor Mary-Kate. I wish her the best.
Taper-Jean Girl said:
all these hollywood starlets need a nice slap in the face. So your boy-toy dumped you like last years Xbox. Get over it. If it helps, no one thought you would last anyway. And her publicist needs to tell her to shut up! Pining over a man that left you for another-and I use this term loosely where Madam Hilton is concerned-woma...oh I can't. let's just say human. No thats still overshooting her. How about just being? Yes, Starving Nachos left you for another being. Grow up. I would suggest she drown her sorrows in a pint of Ben&Jerry's like most women but we all know thats not gonna happen. Maybe she should just go into some isolated bunker and cry it out. Because the whole "Do an elite magazine cover after being dumped for another gal just to show him im sexy and COMPLETELY over him, but still using the whole article to feel sorry for yourself and pine after him" is sooo Jennifer Anniston. bleh!

ps- Hey MK, I still love you and if its any consolation (and i know it will be!) Stavros is TOTALLY going to catch a whopping case of chlamydia from the walking STD bank that is Paris Hilton!

:huh: :blink: you sound a tiny bit too hard, angry and bitter.. what for?
Ashley is far more on the ball than MK. She seems much more poised and mature then MK. I don't like MK divuldging her sorrow to W like that. She's the last person on this earth who needs people to pity her. She should be more of a role model than that,like she used to be.
if she doesn't mind wearing her heart on her sleeve, let her.
Lena said:
:huh: :blink: you sound a tiny bit too hard, angry and bitter.. what for?

No Im not bitter, Im simply amused. I dont GET why she would go to a magazine and piss and moan about her failed relationship. Im sorry, did she see herself running into the sunset happily ever after with said Greek playboy? :rolleyes: I really dont think she wants to come off as some sad, lonesome billionare, because theyre the hardest people to feel sorry for. Ive had failed relationships. You live, learn and get on with your life, dont rehash the pain. And I dont wanna pay 7 bucks for a high fashion magazine just to read about the painful miserable life of MK. You wanna know misery? How about living in New York City, the fashion capital of the world, walking by Prada and Barney's and Saks only to realize you cant afford anything because you'll be in debt to Columbia University until you're graying. :cry: Or how about eating Ramen noodles for breakfast lunch and dinner for 2 weeks straight. :sick: Yep, thats my life. But I relish the experiences of growing up, the pain comes with the territory. Im reminded of a lyric by badly drawn boy: The joy is not the same without the pain. Crap I'm conclusion: Excuse me if I dont pity the 'heartbroken' millionare :rolleyes:
I think we tend to denigrate MK's feelings because of her money, but after all, in the end she is only a girl who probably loved her boyfriend very much (even though he seems to be like a total shmuck, but to each their own), and he dumped her for another girl. Any girl would be heartbroken by it, no matter how much money she has. Money cannot buy love, and money cannot mend a broken heart. Those are feelings, very strong ones too, and maybe money would be a consolation for someone who suddenly gets it, but MK grew up with it, so I don't really think that that's gonna help her through that tough time.
What I mean, is that MK lives in a different world, where we would maybe spill our heart to our girlfriends to feel better, well maybe it helps her spilling her heart to a magazine, to her fans.
Just my opinion.:flower:
JEM said:
I think we tend to denigrate MK's feelings because of her money, but after all, in the end she is only a girl who probably loved her boyfriend very much (even though he seems to be like a total shmuck, but to each their own), and he dumped her for another girl. Any girl would be heartbroken by it, no matter how much money she has. Money cannot buy love, and money cannot mend a broken heart. Those are feelings, very strong ones too, and maybe money would be a consolation for someone who suddenly gets it, but MK grew up with it, so I don't really think that that's gonna help her through that tough time.
What I mean, is that MK lives in a different world, where we would maybe spill our heart to our girlfriends to feel better, well maybe it helps her spilling her heart to a magazine, to her fans.
Just my opinion.:flower:

I completley agree with what you said :)
Tushka_BeLLa said:
Move on Mary-Kate!


It sucks getting dumped, but like Beyonce says, "Me, Myself and I, that's all I got in the end, that's what I found it. And there ain't no need to cry, took a vow that from now on, I'm a be my on best friend."

Sorry for that, but that song got me through a rough love spell.

Anywhom, She should do what's best for herself, and though she proablby dosen't need it, I would have stayed in school. If my best friend dropped out of school because her boyfriend dumped her, I would slap the girl silly, and MK is no different.

Everyone says that we should feel sorry for her because she had an eating disorder, and her life is so public. She put herself in that situation. She's a popular actress who decided to put herself through school. There's a reason why Hillary Duff and Lindsay Lohan don't enroll in college. Could you imagaine? I'm stressed enough as it is, as a regular college student.:rolleyes:
just goes to show popularity has its price and its a price that these actresses pay high for. thats really the trade off. while mk can be the human being by wearing her heart on her sleeve, she is also not really humanized by us or by the people around her because she is an actress, a famous person. you notice how we also zero in on popular people(i.e. models, actors, actresses). their lives are always under scrutiny and everything they do or say can be sensationalized because face it, its also our guilty pleasure. but really, poor girl. hard to be broken hearted. but also good to move on. not worth wasting TOO much time on. if its not meant to be, its not meant to be :)
Taper-Jean Girl said:
all these hollywood starlets need a nice slap in the face. So your boy-toy dumped you like last years Xbox. Get over it. If it helps, no one thought you would last anyway. And her publicist needs to tell her to shut up! Pining over a man that left you for another-and I use this term loosely where Madam Hilton is concerned-woma...oh I can't. let's just say human. No thats still overshooting her. How about just being? Yes, Starving Nachos left you for another being. Grow up. I would suggest she drown her sorrows in a pint of Ben&Jerry's like most women but we all know thats not gonna happen. Maybe she should just go into some isolated bunker and cry it out. Because the whole "Do an elite magazine cover after being dumped for another gal just to show him im sexy and COMPLETELY over him, but still using the whole article to feel sorry for yourself and pine after him" is sooo Jennifer Anniston. bleh!

ps- Hey MK, I still love you and if its any consolation (and i know it will be!) Stavros is TOTALLY going to catch a whopping case of chlamydia from the walking STD bank that is Paris Hilton!

HAR HAR KARMA-STAR :lol: !!!!!!!!!!! Karma on the way. Aniston bleh indeed.
JEM said:
I think we tend to denigrate MK's feelings because of her money, but after all, in the end she is only a girl who probably loved her boyfriend very much (even though he seems to be like a total shmuck, but to each their own), and he dumped her for another girl. Any girl would be heartbroken by it, no matter how much money she has.
Just my opinion.:flower:

Ugh but why do these annoying little people bolster that notion I grew up with that women are needy and men are players. I was hoping that my entire generation would go about proving that Hollywood concept wrong but they don't. I feel like shaving my head and tattooing my face with (post) feminist slogans sometimes.... but I shall refraid :lol:
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Taper-Jean Girl said:
No Im not bitter, Im simply amused. I dont GET why she would go to a magazine and piss and moan about her failed relationship. Im sorry, did she see herself running into the sunset happily ever after with said Greek playboy? :rolleyes: I really dont think she wants to come off as some sad, lonesome billionare, because theyre the hardest people to feel sorry for. Ive had failed relationships. You live, learn and get on with your life, dont rehash the pain. And I dont wanna pay 7 bucks for a high fashion magazine just to read about the painful miserable life of MK. You wanna know misery? How about living in New York City, the fashion capital of the world, walking by Prada and Barney's and Saks only to realize you cant afford anything because you'll be in debt to Columbia University until you're graying. :cry: Or how about eating Ramen noodles for breakfast lunch and dinner for 2 weeks straight. :sick: Yep, thats my life. But I relish the experiences of growing up, the pain comes with the territory. Im reminded of a lyric by badly drawn boy: The joy is not the same without the pain. Crap I'm conclusion: Excuse me if I dont pity the 'heartbroken' millionare :rolleyes:

Oh yes, not being able to buy Prada and stuff at Barney's and Saks is TRUE MISERY. You're right, I feel really bad for you. Especially because you think money=happiness. I know I'm on a fashion forum, but that's horribley materialistic of you.

I feel bad for MK but no worse than I'd feel for anybody else who has had a hard breakup. I would think it's hard to have your relationships so public.
Correct me if I am wong but I think Taper-Jean girl was using humour with a capital H.
sakina said:
Oh yes, not being able to buy Prada and stuff at Barney's and Saks is TRUE MISERY. You're right, I feel really bad for you. Especially because you think money=happiness. I know I'm on a fashion forum, but that's horribley materialistic of you.

I feel bad for MK but no worse than I'd feel for anybody else who has had a hard breakup. I would think it's hard to have your relationships so public.

If thats what you managed to extract (with, presumably, much difficulty!) from my post then there's not much I can say to you except you must not recognize sarcasm unless you're bluntly beat over the head with it! In which case.....:hardhead: And thank you SiennaInLondon. Karma coming your way as well! :flower:
Wow, we have some really sensitive people on the spot, haven't we? :rolleyes:

And keep in mind, this was basically an INTERVIEW, where one talks about what a reporter asks.

Just a small detail really, figured I'd mention it.
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I dont GET why she would go to a magazine and piss and moan about her failed relationship.

She didn't piss and moan. Mary-Kate only said three sentences. I hardly call that pissing and moaning.
I think people here are a little harsh on MK. I never saw MK whining or making sad faces ever on magazine intentionally. It is the tabloid which keeps posting pics of her distressing. Why do people forget that it is the magazines that bring out the story??? When a celebrity gets a scandal, they don't call and tell the magazines that "Hey, I'm in trouble. Write about it!" Magazine WRITES about them because they are famous, so it sells. If you see that story of MK gracing over thousands onf magazines, blame the editors, not MK. She didn't ask Starvors to leave her! (Let alone for her best friend????)

Believe it or not, stars -especially those like Olsen twins- have a hard time finding someone they can be comfortable with. (Sure that that person not using them for fame and money) So of course it is painful to lose a beau. MK are even harder. She is special -at least in my opinion. She doesn't dress feminine and normal like Ashley. I love the way she layers her clothes and manages to look artsy and creative. She is not tall either. She is not a supermodel that all the male stars want. So of course she is gonna be freaking scared that they gonna prey on her finaincially!!!

Plus, MK is pretty young! You can't ask her to be like Beyonce. Each person has a different way to handle distress. Some pushes through it. Some like to cry about it then let go.

People tend to bash her because of dropping out of college. But there are millions dropping out of college each year, no one cares. Why do you go to college? To find a career, to make money. She already had money. If she wants to go for knowlegde. Good for her. NO? Leave her alone! There are tons of respectable women who didn't finish their college and still be successful. I rather see her taking a break from it than continuing it half-***.

That's all I want to say!
i would be upset if i lost my boyfriend to paris i can see where she is coming from, but at the same time I think she's being a bit dramatic.
zionforsell said:
Believe it or not, stars -especially those like Olsen twins- have a hard time finding someone they can be comfortable with. (Sure that that person not using them for fame and money) So of course it is painful to lose a beau. MK are even harder. She is special -at least in my opinion. She doesn't dress feminine and normal like Ashley. I love the way she layers her clothes and manages to look artsy and creative. She is not tall either. She is not a supermodel that all the male stars want. So of course she is gonna be freaking scared that they gonna prey on her finaincially!!!

No offense, (and I mean this in the least bitchiest way) but how would you know? :huh:

I mean, I'm sure there are a lot of men (and male stars) hitting on the girl...

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