I think there's very little doubt that these are some amazing dresses. The only thing is if these maxis can be accepted and worn by a lot of femmes. I guess my idea of "will this catch on?" relates to if these dresses can be worn by a variety of ladies. It's going to be tough trying to have some of these casual maxi dresses to be worn even as the denim miniskirt is still the hot skirt/dress garment.
Dresses are a fashion staple that really shows femininity in its most beautiful, most purest form. Perhaps a reason why there aren't too many femmes in dresses (at least in the 13-25 year-old range) is that a dress is a one-piece garment that won't really allow you to dress up in certain ways. A skirt is different as you're able to put several looks together. Perhaps my concern is that with all the beautiful maxi dresses in this thread and with all the lovely ones we've seen in this thread, I don't really see this catching on even here in Houston. These dresses are so airy and beautiful. These maxis are close to formal-type dresses, but can still be worn casually. It's like what the love-or-hate gaucho pants were- all-year, semi-formal, very wearable despite any complaints about wearing those. Same for these maxi dresses.
What I've loved most about these dresses is that they can be so airy and beautiful. There's always something beautiful about airy garments to me. Easy, breezy, and comfortable garments are beautiful to me. Maybe the fact that some wearers may "look like tents" wearing these or that these simply aren't catching on with femmes really takes away their appeal. Only fair argument I think one can make about maxi dresses is that they completely fail to express the curves of a femme's body. I think princess, I think natural, I just think unbearably beautiful when I see these dresses. The fit and flare of these dresses are beautiful. Really curious as to how dresses like these aren't really catching on or being embraced much. Even the more modest maxi dresses look amazing. Are these dresses ever going to catch on (mostly speaking for my general area), or are these dresses going to fall short of topping the denim miniskirt for the best skirt or dress garment for Spring and Summer?
As a resource, here's one I found on wearing maxi dresses: <
http://womens-dresses-skirts.suite101.com/article.cfm/fashion_trends_2008_maxi_dress >. Even if you can't wear these dresses to perfection, you at least have to admit they are very beautiful for the most part.