some of us still are and always have been. give me love and romance over money and power any day.
As for the clothes though let's not forget that London's mod/ernists in the early 60's were the essence of the English Dandy. Not 100% sure but I think that men wearing eyeliner was unique..doesn't really get more shocking, (and remember this was during post war austerity when men who wore pink were considered to be what was known over here as Iron's therefore were fair game for smashing up), excuse the London vernacular but for me it adds to the flavour.
London's modernists changed the face of gender, (both boys and girls), with the clothes they wore and the way they wore them in a way that it's hard for us to truly appreciate, (and I don't mean what's known as 'Mods' as they were a media invention), before that men dressed like their fathers and would NEVER have dared wear a colour like pink, (of course wearing skirts was out of the question even for modernist's !!)