i prefer my men in torero outfit ... i've loved them since my childhood !!!
when you look at documentaries, and one can see them dressing, all the traditions and personal stories that go into dressing - this is better than looking at a backstage, or even fittings.
but flamenco boys in skirts ...
mmm. why not.
btw: which ballet is it coming from ? are the flamencas in boys pants ? what's the story behind this ballet ... ?
i suggest everyone to have a look at this (when possible) ...
Rizzoli is publishing a book by Ruben Afanador - the title:
Men of Flamenco
(I posted 2 pictures that are "Men in skirts" oriented, but this is not only what the book is about!)
i see that you're looking for skirts in color for men...
i've never buy a skirt specifically design for men (i wonder if something changes on the genitals ... probably the stupidest question ... EVER), but I wear sarongs with a lot of pleasure ... (I talk about the sarongs men wear in Asia, not the thing you wear on the beach). I've noticed the tube-scarf-top-whatever-you-want-it-it-can-be by AA is actually just a piece of sarong. Knot it as a sarong (there're different schools, but I knot most the time my sarongs), and hop you have a skirt ... the color you want (well the one you've bought at AA). Or I would advice to go to your "Little India" (or any fabrics store), buy the one of your choice, and voila ... Then you ask your tailor, or you do it yourself.
That's the sixties.
Probably Cardin or Courreges ... I think they've done some menskirts ... I'm pretty certain I've already seen some images.
To be sincere, if I could (well I can, but, you know ...) I would wear a sarong or a thawb (the dress of men in Middle East) everyday !
When I was leaving in Middle East, I would change in a thawb, or a djellaba at home. I had my winter thawbs (grey and black) and summer ones (white), and I'm not even from the Middle East ...
or any arabic countries.
But these guys in the eastern world know how to dress (and wear what a western would name a dress or a skirt)