Meredith Melling Burke

She always looks so clean cut and put together, but at the same time it looks very effortless.

Park Ave Peerage
she looks nice but she seems very safe in what she wears...she looks like she needs messed up a bit ....she looks very American....
OHMIGOD...I love MMB so much, i cant believe ive not seen this thread before. Ok, im gushing, but i am a teensy obsessed with her. And MMB, i dont mean to be rude because i do worship you. But, im not loving that shorter hair. In fact post 105 pic is looking positively Anna'ish. And, we really dont want you going there. Do we?!!
She went to the Met Ball, we should be on the look out for pics of her there! :D
found this old wedding announcement from the nytimes, for those interested in her background:

WEDDINGS; Meredith Melling, John Burke Jr.
Published: Sunday, September 30, 2001

Meredith Louise Melling, the daughter of Jane Wade Riley of Swampscott, Mass., and Dr. John Melling of Hopkinton, Mass., was married yesterday to John B. Burke Jr., a son of Mr. and Mrs. Burke of Pound Ridge, N.Y. The Rev. Ambrose Wolverton performed the ceremony at St. Ann's Roman Catholic Church in Lenox, Mass.
Mrs. Burke, 27, is the market editor in the fashion department at Vogue magazine in New York. She graduated from Tufts University. Her father is an orthodontist with offices in Ashland, Mass., and Milford, Mass. Her mother is the psychological counselor at Lt. Job Lane Elementary School in Bedford, Mass.
Mr. Burke, 32, is the director of client development in New York for Capital IQ, a financial information service. He graduated from Hamilton College. His mother, Delia Burke, is the chairwoman of Hospice Care in Westchester and Putnam Inc. His father, a member of the New York Stock Exchange, retired as the president of a former brokerage firm that bore his name.
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I saw her a few days ago on 6th Avenue. She had on an all-white outfit, white shirt, white pants and I think gold flats. She looked really cute.

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