Michael Jackson (September 2005 - November 2010)

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always & forever :heart:

Simpsons : screencapped by me, ohnotheydidn't
Awhh, that last one...

I love how Bart would give Lisa a present (and a present like this!)

Lisa: Bart, my birthday's in two days. I'm going to be eight years old.
It's a big number, almost double digits.
Bart: Well, enjoy it while you can. Everything changes when you hit the big one-oh.
Your legs start to go, candy doesn't taste as good any more...
Lisa: Bart, will you please let me pour my little heart out?
Bart: Sorry, this old-timer does ramble on sometimes, don't he.


Homer: Who are you?
Man: Hi, I'm Michael Jackson, from The Jacksons.
Homer: I'm Homer Simpson, from The Simpsons...

Man: I can't believe you never heard of me. I'm a very popular entertainer.
Homer: Oh, of course I've heard of you! I mean, you'd have to be living
under a rock not to know... What'd you say your name was?
Man: Michael Jackson.
Homer: Doesn't ring a bell.
Man: Well, have you heard of MTV?
Homer: No.
Man: Motown.
Homer: No.
Man: Beat It.
Homer: You beat it!
Man: Thriller.
Homer: What was that last one?
Man: Thriller.
Homer: Nope.
Man: Well, how about this...
[sings Billy Jean, complete with wild gyrations, crotch grab,
and moonwalk]
Homer: Wow! How do you do that thing with your feet?
Man: The moonwalk?
Homer: No, that thing with your feet!
Man: Here, look. Just raise your heel a bit, put a little pressure on
the ball of your foot. [demonstrates]
Homer: [tries to imitate, but ends up going forwards] D'oh!

Man: You seem like a nice guy. Why'd they put you in here?
Homer: 'Cause I wore a pink shirt.
Man: I understand. People thought I was crazy for the way I dressed...
Homer: What'd you wear?
Man: One white glove, covered with rhinestones.
Homer: [crosses his eyes and does that `bebebebebebe' thing with his lips]

I love that fire part too! I can't stop staring at his arms.:blush:
MJ: You seem like a nice guy. Why'd they put you in here?
Homer: 'Cause I wore a pink shirt.
MJ: I understand. People thought I was crazy for the way I dressed...
Homer: What'd you wear?
MJ: One white glove, covered with rhinestones.

Homer: [crosses his eyes and does that `bebebebebebe' thing with his lips]

MJ : You know Bart, when I was growing up I didn't have much money. So you know what I did every time my sisters' birthdays rolled around?
Bart : Stiffed them?
MJ : No Bart, I wrote them a song to show them I cared.
Bart : I can't write a song! I'm only ten.
MJ : ONLY ten?, When I was your age, I had six Gold records.


^ so cute when they had "Michael Jackson" sing "Ben" as a lullaby for Homer when he couldn't sleep at the mental institution. then "MJ" takes out his plush doll chimp, Bubbles. ^_^

I love that fire part too! I can't stop staring at his arms.:blush:
^ i love that they used that clip for the SAG Awards Memoriam, with the 'fire' sound effect and everything! BOY IS ON FIYAH!

Bart at the end of "Black Or White"

* faints * lol
The Simpsons episode is so funny.
I love the song too - esp. the version where it's actually him singing. ^_^
^ Dangerous IBT is just amaaazing, it works well as an MP3 too! i had that one stuck in my head as well during karaoke. if i did a 'performance' to that one, everyone would be like oo child, why is Kae touching her belly like that :lol:


have you seen my childhoood?
i have "Simpsons Sing The Blues" on cassette tape! :woot: i still sing in Homer's voice "born under a BAD sign, been dowwwn since i began to crawl" to my sister randomly :D
@ 2:27
if you can do the Bart
you're BAD like Michael Jackson

@ 5:01
eat your heart out Michael!

photos : screencapped by me, freewebs, listzblog
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^ so cute when they had "Michael Jackson" sing "Ben" as a lullaby for Homer when he couldn't sleep at the mental institution. then "MJ" takes out his plush doll chimp, Bubbles. ^_^

Homer: [talking in his sleep] pancakes... football... boobies...pork rinds... waffles...
MJ: [to his stuffed animal] Bubbles, it's going to be a long night.


^ i love that they used that clip for the SAG Awards Memoriam, with the 'fire' sound effect and everything! BOY IS ON FIYAH!

What SAG memoriam?

:lol: I can imagine you doing the touchy-belly during karaoke!

if you can do the Bart
you're BAD like Michael Jackson

I love that line too!
OMG how cool is it to have the song on cassette tape!:woot:
And now I gotta change my ringtone from Lisa It's Your Bday to Do the Bartman.:lol:
^ so funny how Homer said "boOOobies"

Screen Actors Guild Memoriam
@ 2:25 whooosh fiyahhh
makes me wanna sing:
Cause I'm On Fire
Quench My Desire

I can imagine you doing the touchy-belly during karaoke!
hand goes south but stops jusssst above the crotch...i am a lady after all...NOTHING TO GRAB! lol B)

i'm amazed that that Simpsons cassette tape still works, i don't have to wind it up or anything! you old fogeys know what i'm talkin' about! :lol:. "Do The Bartman" lyrics are quite fitting, MJ's mischievous side reminds me a lot of Bart!

funny story at work, i work at a restaurant by the by. i think it was about two weeks ago, the chefs had a 'mess up' and made an extra sushi roll on accident so they gave to me and said "you guys can grub". so when my co-workers walked back in the kitchen i said "EAT ITTT! JUST EAT ITTT!" just like "Beat It". then i was like sh*t if i'm on a 'roll'(can't stop, won't stop with the puns!)..."it doesn't matter who's wrong or right, just Eat It Eat It Eat It..." :lol:

later on when i was standing around with one of my co-workers munching on the sushi, i did these dance moves. it's the same from the SAG clip so when i re-watched it i was like hey it hasn't been that long since i did that! lol

and she was like "Thriller?"... my response was like *GASP & clutches pearls* :shock: "it's Beat It!..." i can't believe she doesn't know since i call her my 'tiny dance-sahhh' because she danced for 4 years in high school. MJ routines and videos should be a prerequisite! i'll excuse her since she's a 90's baby. all i could say was "you have much to learn young grasshoppa" :ninja::lol:

gotta love the 80's color schemes, reminds me of Saved By The Bell logo! the gym i used to go to had these neon lights in these colors, it was like my very own Hot Tub Time Machine :lol:


Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right
Just Beat It, Beat It



BI gif : tony24_8 on deviantART
Beat It : premium plus magazine, gytrash01 on dA, yamenhazem on dA, The Lean on Flickr
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hand goes south but stops jusssst above the crotch...i am a lady after all...NOTHING TO GRAB! lol B)

Or as Stacy Walker from TII would say, man I got nothin' to move.:lol:

Mike was a huge fan of Bart right?
Imagine how fun it'd be watching the Simpsons with him! Just imagine all the crazy laughter we'd hear.:blush:

:lol: Eat It a la Weird Al Yankovic?

Oh I didn't know the SAG memoriam had him also. I thought he was only in the Oscars.
That logo reminds me of Saved By the Bell too! Blue, pink and yellow.

How deplorable! How your 90's baby friend didn't know the difference between Thriller and Beat It!:rofl:
It's like she works at a Japanese restaurant and she can't tell apart sushi and sashimi.:lol:
^ aww, you always get my little references like Weird Al and Stacy Walker! :D

from what i read MJ was a big fan of Bart ^_^ i don't remember how we got into the convo but my sisters thought MJ would have a really soft laugh. i was like nahhh, he crazy! lol i sent them this clip from Living With Michael Jackson

the Oscars Memoriam made me cry :cry: because i was saying that i was hoping they'd honor him and they did! lo and behold, on my screen was my brootiful black panther :blush::heart:

in the Memoriam, James Taylor covered The Beatles "In My Life", which is a song i was talking to NakedIfIWantTo about not to long ago :flower:

after Scary Movie 4 came out, me and my 90's baby friend were singing "sushi, sashimi, TOSHIBA!" :lol:

my other co-worker who is another sweet 90's child asked me to make her a list of my favorite 80's songs. she knew i was having technical difficulties with my ipod speakers so she burned the songs onto a cd for me! for the second cd she needs five more songs so i'm putting in some Michael :D
Baby Be Mine, Human Nature, PYT, Liberian Girl, and Heartbreak Hotel(This Place Hotel)! our work place actually plays instrumentals of both Human Nature and Heartbreak Hotel! but she's not familiar with either one, now it's time to educate the youngins!

Live and sin
Ten years ago on this day, my heart was yearning
I promised I would never ever be returning
Where my baby broke my heart and left me yearning

170lga made an awesome video for the song using various music video clips :heart:

so dreamy

dreamy gif : ohnotheydidnt
photos : Oscars screencapped by me, Heartbreak Hotel my iTunes
I love that video of Heartbreak Hotel! Everything fits perfectly.
Of course Hotel is a great song too.:heart: It's probably one of Michael's grittiest!
I love love the strings arrangement.

Michael's laughs are insaneB)
Do you guys feel that he was doing that in a way to annoy/poke fun at Bashir? Since that guy wasn't getting his mindset. He saw pure and true friendship in children and he enjoyed doing elementary things like climbing trees. But Bashir's approach was insinuative to say the least. So Mike laughed hard not only at the current situation being a fan moonwalking across the road but also at Bashir for not being able to see through to the simplicity of joy.

(I maybe reading too much into this.:lol:)
the instrumental they play at work of Heartbreak Hotel is not bad at all, they keep the strings! :) some songs got really jacked up in the process, changing strings to saxophones eww lol no offense to Lisa Simpson and her saxamuhphoneee. they need to play Dirty Diana, i needs my electric guitar love to rock out to!

i think it was just the juxtaposition of fun Michael and doo doo head Bashir. i just...have nothing nice to say about Batsh*t.

whenever i watch the documentary and i get to the part where Bashir is on the gloomy beach with his voice over talking smack again and "With A Child's Heart" is playing in the background...i always think he should have been struck by lightning.

...maybe not enough to kill him but just enough to reset the f*cked up wiring in his head and jump start his heart if he even has one. he's a mean one, mistah grinch! :angry:

on the bright side, Michael looked so handsome in this outfit



^ those eyes :blush::heart:

^ the tape! those hands B)

what the world needs now is love sweet love...is Michael Jackson :heart:

gif : ohnotheydidnt
photos : screencapped by me
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:rofl::rofl: at the lightning comment!!
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^ i like that part too. and when he was flexing his hands when MB was getting especially annoying during the interview. he's lucky MJ isn't a violent person because he's got some huge hands :lol:

i like Michael in the documentary, i thought he handled it well considering all the stuff he had to put up with. he knew MB was going to ask personal questions but did he really have to be such a condescending jacka*s? if it were me i would hauled his a*s out like Uncle Phil and Jazz on Fresh Prince of Bel Air. i just FF whenever Batsh*t says anything lol he makes me cringe! like that part when he was asking Prince about Star Wars and he spoke to him like a reporter using big a*s words and Prince looked at him like WTF? he doesn't even know how to talk to children :doh: what a schmuck!(as Michael loved to say :lol:)

when it comes down to it, i think Michael is a simple man. he just says whatever he feels but people always try to over analyze everything and end up twisting everything. my History/American Govt/Latin American Studies Professor always stressed the fact that we must be able to look past the editing. after we'd watch a documentary in class, he'd talk about it more in depth and rewind to the parts that he found not to be completely true or where they obviously left details out that changes the stories completely. it's not hard to see the manipulative editing in LWMJ if you are watching actively and not totally guillible...which is unfortunately common.

i was screencapping LWMJ when i heard MJ say "that's what the world needs now. more love, more heart...", i remembered that video and thought i must post, it's so sweet :heart:
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I remember when I was working at a resturant in LA in 2008 and it had been a long day. Then Martin B. walks in to the bar and eats at the bar. I wanted so badly to say to him, WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO MICHAEL JACKSON?

But I didn't say jack-diddly squat to him, i did walk by him though (kind of close), and all I felt was a person that is detached from people, lonely. I asked my self in my mind, How did this one person do something like that to someone who is so larger then life, who at one point was 98% of the worlds population imaginary friend.

When I look over later on he was gone. He isn't anyone special, there is no genuinely positive vibe going on there, to me.
EasyCool, i can totally imagine that. and the fact that he got a job in the states! lucky i don't have working tv's(after it went digital) in my house anymore so i don't have to see him. i work in a restaurant too and i don't really know what i would have done out right either and still keep my job :censored:.

but what i would've really liked to do if can i speak for everyone is:

^:muscles: Tara from True Blood, love her! :clap:

anyways something handsome to look at :wub:

I don’t want the sun to shine I wanna make love
Just this magic in your eyes and in my heart
I don’t know what I’m gonna do I can’t stop lovin’ you
I won’t stop ‘til break of dawn makin’ love

gif: ohnotheydidnt
Break of Dawn: omarslave4britney(what an awesome user name :rofl:) on deviantArt
^:o You missed a great chance to strike lightning at him Easy!

p.s. :heart: Break of Dawn. (Mike's baby-makin' music!)
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^ let it blow, just touch and go... :heart:

kind of an inspired post.

one of my favorite songs by Diana Ross "Missing You" (1984) that reminds me of Michael. there are a lot of compilation videos for him with this song but this is my favorite by ronhnm111. it doesn't have random pictures(ruins the flow), just video footage and it's very sparkly :D

Since you've been away
I've been down and lonely
Since you've been away
I've been thinking of you

As I look around
I see things that remind me
Just to see you smile
Made my heart fill with joy

There was so much you gave me
To my heart
To my soul
There was so much of your dreams
That were never told
You had so much hope
For a brighter day
Why were you my flower
Plucked away

Ooh oohooh
I'm missing you...

also, one of my favorite songs by The Supremes is "Where Did Our Love Go" (1964) here is cute compilation by FunkyFreshUnique of Michael dancing
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:lol: at Diana pulling Michael away in the beginning of the last video! "You're stealing my spotlight kid, you better go to the back":angry::rofl:
omgosh youtube changed the buttons to black! lol

^ Diana is like "ladies first!" * basks in the glow of the spotlight * B)
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