Miss USA May Lose Crown *Update* Given Second Chance


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May 5, 2004
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Bad behaviour? Miss USA could get the boot http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/news/story/0,4136,119645,00.html

REIGNING Miss USA Tara Conner may be in danger of losing her tiara.
Real estate mogul Donald Trump and NBC, co-owners of the Miss Universe Organisation and the Miss USA pageant, are threatening to strip her of her title, New York Daily News reported.
The reason? As holder of the coveted title, Miss Conner's behaviour may not be up to scratch.
Miss USA is considered a role model and is expected to act accordingly.
But the 20-year-old blonde from Russel County, Kentucky, who lives in New York, has allegedly been involved in underaged drinking (the legal age for alcohol consumption is 21in the US).
She was also rumoured to be partying, staying out late with a string of boyfriends and then neglecting some of the events that come with her title, according to her friends.
Miss Universe Organization president Paula Shugart said that Miss Conner's behaviour will be evaluated and that Mr Trump will make an announcement next week.
AP reported Mr Trump saying that if Miss Conner gets the boot, first runner-up, Miss California, Tamiko Nash, would take over as Miss USA.
'I can't really talk about it now,' Mr Trump said in an interview. 'But we have to make a decision. There is no question about that.'
Miss Conner's family is standing by her.
'That's not Tara,' Ms Carol Anderson, her aunt said. 'I don't think she would jeopardise such an honour. To me it's all hearsay.'
Her father, Mr John Blair said he was sure she'd keep her crown.
She is still scheduled to appear at a charity event in Miami today and to celebrate her 21st birthday on Tuesday at a Caesar's Palace nightclub in Las Vegas.
If Miss Conner, who won the title on 21 Apr, is dethroned, it will not be the first time Mr Trump has dealt with such a scenario.
In 2002, Russia's Oxana Fedorova won the Miss Universe pageant but was stripped of her title after violating her contract.

Hm..I saw a special on the Miss USA pageant on Style or E! a while ago and liked Tomiko much better..
Tara probably won't get dethroned, but it must've been pretty bad if the details are being kept so hush hush. And didn't she have a boyfriend when she was crowned?
Miss USA is a joke nowadays anyways IMO. I don't want her dethroned, because that means Miss california will be miss usa, and personally i'd like my state to stay as far away from this competition as possible...
Oh NO, a 20 year old drinking alcohol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink: :o
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Really the lagal age for drinking is 21? Wow its only 18 here in Canada... hehe.
Oh when I read the headline for some reason the first thing that came to my mind was nude photos.. :ninja:

She was drinking as a 20 year old?? Oh geez.. I guess if I ever win miss USA I would get stripped of my title as well.. :rolleyes:
Samanthay, it's 18 in Alberta? :o It's 19 in Ontario. :ninja:
This is stupid, giving her sh*t cause she's drinking?

What the fck ever she's representing what America really is not a fantasy of what people want America to be. :ninja:
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samanthay said:
Really the lagal age for drinking is 21? Wow its only 18 here in Canada... hehe.

Same like in most part of Europe...
Then we should take the phrase 'a good role model' more seriously.
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I agree...

America must change, otherwise she's really representin'

lunabella said:
why was russia stripped of ms. universe?

New Miss Universe named after spat

NEW YORK (CNN) -- The crowning of the most beautiful woman in the universe has turned ugly.
The former Miss Russia, Oxana Fedorova, said Monday that she quit her role as Miss Universe after just four months on the job because "the duties really interfered with my education."
The Miss Universe Organization, however, said the 24-year-old Russian beauty was fired -- the first time in the 52-year history of the pageant that has happened. The organization did not give an explanation as to why Fedorova was ousted, but said a news conference will be held Tuesday in New York.
A new Miss Universe -- Justine Pasek, 22, of Panama, who finished as the first runner-up in the May competition -- was named Monday morning, although her formal crowning will come at the Tuesday press conference, said Esther Swan, a spokeswoman for The Miss Universe Organization.
Swan refused to go into details about why Fedorova is no longer on top of the universe.
Justine Pasek, Miss Panama, has become the new Miss Universe.

"I can only comment that we do a have a new Miss Universe," Swan said.
In an interview with Russian TV Channel 2, Fedorova expressed surprise when told that the organizers described her dethroning as an ouster. She said the decision to hand over the crown was all hers.
"The duties of Miss Universe are wonderful and noble, of course, but the most important thing in my life is my education and my career here in Russia," she said. "I found that the duties really interfered with my education. That's the only reason that I decided to give up the crown."
Fedorova, who is a police lieutenant, is almost finished writing her dissertation at the Academy of Internal Affairs on detective techniques. She is to defend her dissertation in October.
And though she no longer holds the official Miss Universe title, Fedorova says the honor of being chosen is still hers.
"I consider myself to still be Miss Universe. I'm proud that a Russian woman carries the title. But when I entered the contest, I had no idea and no one ever explained to me the consequences of winning the contest, the many commitments," she said.
Fedorova might still consider herself Miss Universe, but the pageant definitely does not. She has been removed from the official Miss Universe Web site, which now lists Pasek as the official 2002 Miss Universe.
The site describes Pasek as a woman with "supermodel looks and humble personality" who is "indicative of the beauty in the new millennium." In taking on her new responsibilities, the site says Pasek is "ready to work hard as an ambassador for women around the world."
The news of the tiff between Fedorova and pageant organizers was first reported in Monday's New York Post. The Post reported Fedorova refused to perform a number of her duties as Miss Universe, might be married to her longtime boyfriend -- a violation of pageant rules -- and could be pregnant.
Fedorova said she wishes that were true.
"As far as the rumors go about me being married and pregnant, those are wonderful rumors. I want a family, I love family life, and it's what's most important in life. But at the moment, that's only my dream, and not at all true," she said.
"I've never been married. I haven't had any kids. Hopefully sometime in the future those dreams will happen for me."

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