Missoni for Target

I think she did that for attention seeking. no one in their right mind would pay that much when other sellers are offering for less. I think she clearly just wants someone to pity her news story and cough up some money for her daughter to go to school.

no dear, she has to earn scholarship or pay loans like the rest of us :rolleyes:
did you guys see the question and answer section where the seller says she wishes to get on fox news? oh, and she also tithes 10% of her salary to the church. :shifty:

guess thats why she needs the money. maybe back in the day she spent her children's college fund investing in beanie babies to re-sell. :lol:
i would bet anything that she doesnt even have a child in college...

i went to my target tonight and there was a restock of the shower curtains. i got the black/white wave version.

there were some other returns of baby items and the beanie head rest. how did i know they were returns? someone had taken a silver marker and crossed off the price tag. (so a potential buy wouldnt know the retail price and think they were ripped off) :yuk:

people really gross me out sometimes.
Since, The collection sold out on about the 4 day of it debut. I was lucky enough to purchase the only two sweaters for me, at one of my local Targets. The prices are way out of control on ebay. The pages go on forever. In any event I'm glad I got the two sweaters. I'm looking forward to wearing them and mixing them up with my other things.
I received my order, and here is a brief review:

Clothes: got a vest and a sweater. Both are going back. The fit is fine, but I can't deal with synthetics. Yes, I knew that they were not natural material, but their Rayon doesn't feel as nice as rayon products carried by Banana Republic, or higher end brands such as McQueen. I think that the price/quality ratio is reasonable, but it doesn't go with my wardrobe.

Pillow cushions for home: the colors in real life is much more dull and even "dirty" looking. the pictures on their site are much more saturated and brighter. They are going back.

Duvet sets. I got two. I found them huge steal. I paid full price for regular Missoni beddings, and I don't find the Target version "cheap" in any way. I especially like the woven material. The only concern I have is that perhaps the dye isn't as "natural" as the true Missoni brand. But I'm not using them as my sheets...they are duvet covers...so I can live with it. Those are the best items in the entire collection IMHO. I've washed them and they will certainly stay. Now I have 3 Missoni bedding sets. yeah!

Hand towels. They are nice. they also stay.
i'm thinking of taking back one of my throws even though i love them both. i got two different color combos (i kept the purplish zig zag one). they are probably the best item out of the collection, but i just have no use for the other one.

i kind of wish i got a duvet set instead!
i FINALLY managed to get in touch with a person on the telephone to figure out what was going on with my target order (I never got a response to my email inquiry and basically hadn't heard a thing since I placed the order the day the collection came out)

i had assumed the order just didn't go through since when i tried to check on its status it had the correct $$ amount but said "0 items"

the guy on the phone told me the order did in fact go through and that i should expect to receive it between october 3rd and 5th

i still find it totally weird that i haven't received any sort of email communication from target about the order... whatever
we'll see what happens when the stuff comes in :ermm:

i feel like i'm going to end up returning more than i keep.
I was at Target today & they had restocked a lot. I got the black maxi skirt, a few pairs of tights & the blanket. I'm happy with what I got.
I was at Target today & they had restocked a lot. I got the black maxi skirt, a few pairs of tights & the blanket. I'm happy with what I got.

I saw that skirt at 2 different stores today. I wonder how the crinkle design at the bottom will hold up to wearing or cleaning?!
My throw arrived here in the UK a few days ago. I'm in love with it. It's so soft and squidgey, so glad I got my hands on one.

I can't believe some storms have stock the throws again... probably returned by an eager E-bay'er when they didn't sell for what they had hoped. Last I checked so much stuff just wasn't selling now.
I read that some stuff is already appearing at goodwill on another board, apparently Target cannot put duvet sets and bedding and other items that have been opened, back on the floor.

I am going to go tonight to see if my Target has got anymore throws in, I MUST have one. I'm super jealous of those of you who got your hands on one.
yeah my grandmother used to work at goodwill and they would always get a ton of things from the nearby targets esp. plates, and bedding. Luckily for me that i live across the street from one such goodwill...

First Stop: Target. Next Stop: eBay.


IT’S been a month since Target released its Missoni for Target line and scrums of shoppers cleared the discount retailer’s shelves and crashed its Web site. But as with some earlier limited-edition “masstige” collections, the frenzy has continued in the secondary market, with sold-out items going for breathtakingly inflated prices on eBay and Craigslist and in consignment shops.
“It’s been pure craziness trying to keep up with the orders,” said Susan Mayorga, 47, an eBay seller in Shadow Hills, Calif., better known as Deals818. She was lucky to score a cartful of Missoni for Target dresses and jumpers at an undertrafficked store in her area and has been reselling them for $100 to $200 more than retail price. “Then I look at what other sellers are getting and I kick myself that I’m not asking for more,” she said.
One optimistic eBay seller is asking $31,000 for a pair of Missoni for Target rain boots that originally cost $34.99, saying she needs the money for her daughter’s college tuition. But completed transactions over the last month reveal markups more realistically in the 25 percent to 400 percent range. The highest paid price on eBay for the coveted Missoni for Target multicolored bicycle, retail value $399.99, was $1,279.95.
“It’s the limited availability that’s the secret” to the steep resale prices, said Linda Lightman of Horsham, Pa., owner of Linda’s Stuff, an eBay store specializing in women’s designer clothing. “It keeps up the demand, whereas discount diffusion lines that are ongoing like Vera Wang at Kohl’s aren’t great sellers for us.”
Top designers have been creating masstige lines, also known as diffusion and bridge brands, for decades. But since Karl Lagerfeld created his one-off line for H & M in 2004, exclusive and short-lived collaborations between top designers and discount stores have become fashion events breathlessly anticipated and promoted on social media. The countdown has already begun for the Jason Wu for Target collection, which will be in stores in February.
And while certain collectors may sniff, many of these limited-edition lines, because of their calculated sense of urgency, have not only prompted stampedes despite the struggling economy but have also held or exceeded their original value even years after their introduction.
In August, Ms. Lightman sold a limited edition Mulberry for Target handbag for $219 (it cost $49 during the six weeks it was available in stores last year). “The opening bid on eBay was $29, so the sale price really tells you what the market will bear,” she said. “Many of my customers are in Europe or Asia where they don’t have Target stores.”
By contrast, costlier diffusion lines that are always available in department stores from Hackensack, N.J., to Hanoi — like DKNY (Donna Karan), CK (Calvin Klein) and Marc by Marc Jacobs — usually resell for 30 to 75 percent less than the original price depending on the age and condition of the garment, Ms. Lightman said.
And some initially splashy collaborations, like Isaac Mizrahi and Target, lasted so long that the market seems to be saturated; indeed, some eBay listings for Mizrahi items take care to specify “not Target.” (Good luck finding any of the designs he oversaw during his brief tenure at Liz Claiborne.)
That’s not to say all limited-edition lines fetch high prices at resale. The collections that Matthew Williamson created for H & M in 2009, Erin Fetherston designed for Target in 2007 and Tara Jarmon designed for Target in 2006 don’t create much excitement at resale, with items usually selling at prices comparable with nondesigner used clothing.
But lines by more widely known and recognizable designers (like Liberty of London for Target with its easily identifiable floral prints, and Missoni for Target with its distinctive zigzag patterns) tend to sell for significantly more than they cost when available in stores.
“All you have to do is look at the design and tell that it’s Missoni, even if it was from Target,” said Teri Clark, 49, a school liaison for children of military officers in Oahu, Hawaii, who paid $285 for a Missoni for Target dress on eBay that originally cost $59.99. “I didn’t feel cheated. I felt like I had won something.”
Likewise, draped and dramatic clothes by Karl Lagerfeld for H & M and come-hither high heels by Jimmy Choo for H & M are hot commodities at resale. For example, a 2004 Karl Lagerfeld for H & M black sequin jacket that originally cost $119 now goes for around $230, and 2009 blue metallic cage heels by Jimmy Choo for H&M that cost $129 in the store now sell for around $270.
Abigail Rutherford, director of vintage couture for Leslie Hindman Auctioneers in Chicago, is mystified. “The whole point of diffusion brands is that they are less expensive,” she said. “If you’re going to pay that much, why not just get the real thing?”
Collectors of vintage clothing certainly tend to prefer designers’ higher-end work. While they may pay top dollar for 1970s Halston, Ms. Rutherford said, they generally turn up their noses at Halston III, the diffusion line created by the designer for J. C. Penney in the 1980s. “It just reeks, I won’t touch it,” she said. “There’s no secondary market for Halston III even though his other stuff has been so hot the past few years.”
The Halston III example may be instructive. According to the fashion historian and author Caroline Rennolds Milbank, that diffusion line is now considered “disastrous” even though when the collection was introduced, “it was a big success with great reviews and great sales.” She wondered if the same might eventually be true of the more-recent discount diffusion lines.
But it’s debatable whether the pieces will last long enough for anyone to find out, since they tend to be made with lesser fabrics (that is, inexpensive synthetics and thin cotton) and in greater haste, to enable lower price points.
Erin Barnes, 32, a stay-at-home mother in Olathe, Kan., doesn’t think masstige is worth the retail price much less the markup at resale. She bought several items from the Missoni for Target line from her local store but returned everything except a skirt and sweater set that she wore before she realized she didn’t want it.
“If I had it to do over again, I wouldn’t have bought any of it,” she said, although she plans to auction off what she kept on eBay. “I wasn’t impressed with the quality. Like the wood on the heels of the pumps was fake and reminded me of the wood-patterned contact paper you can get on another aisle at Target.”
But perception of value often depends on expectations. Roseanne Morrison, fashion director of the Doneger Group, a retail and merchandising consulting firm in New York City, said: “I think we are talking about the designer name and the stimulus of scarcity here. If the collection has enough elements of the designer’s signature look and there’s limited availability, it’s probably going to do well at least in the near term.”
Stephanie Raven, 37, of Montgomery, Ala., who operates an eBay store called Myriad Trading Co., has been happily making a 300 percent profit reselling the cache of Missoni for Target ballet flats, note cards, expandable files and media bins she was able to buy at a store in nearby Prattville, Ala. “I’m lucky to live in an area that doesn’t pay that much attention to fashion,” she said.
Explaining why evidently more fashion-conscious people in California, New York, Thailand, Australia and Germany have been willing to pay her such a premium, she said: “They’ve got to have it because everyone’s on Facebook and Twitter saying they’ve got to have it. Sounds like high school, doesn’t it?”
i have not seen or heard anything about my order since i got in touch with someone on the phone 2 weeks ago...

UGH... have to get on the phone again.
I got both the cardigans from Ebay, spent 136 for both of them... not that bad.

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