Models on Twitter - Full List on Page #1

Anyone think this is real? I can't tell.

It's been speculated that the account was set up by IMG because of all the fake Freja accounts (you can only have fakes removed when the impersonated person is on Twitter, too, apparently) and also to promote the charity that Freja is active for. Seems plausible when you look at the accounts she follows, they're all IMG-related. I doubt Freja herself updates it.
^ That one looks fake to me also...

If this is about the @LindzEllingson account, then @VictoriasSecret says it's real, and it's the account that they've been tagging, crediting, and retweeting whenever talking about Lindsay for months now.

November 18th
@VictoriasSecret Victoria's Secret
@JavidSuleymanli - @LindzEllingson is her official Twitter handle.
18 Nov via web

June 6th
@VictoriasSecret Victoria's Secret
One more Angel has joined the twitterverse! Everyone, please welcome Lindsay Ellingson (@LindzEllingson) to Twitter.
6 Jun via web

TwitVid from November 21
@VictoriasSecret Victoria's Secret
Good tidings to all our Twitter fans! Hugs & kisses, @AngelAlessandra + @lindzellingson.
21 Nov

Birthday Tweet
@VictoriasSecret Victoria's Secret
Happy Birthday, @LindzEllingson!
19 Nov via web
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^Yes was 100% sure until you wrote something, now i'm 90% sure but she is not really sharing personal stuff.
I can probably find it out.
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...It looks about as real as unicorns to me.

Maybe I'm wrong... but...
DaphGroeneveld Daphne Groeneveld
Received a message from Karl Lagerfeld via my agency - 'tell that girl, I hope she had an amazing holiday. I see her soon' Karl #mademyday.

This makes me worry cause the offices in NY and Paris are closed from 22nd of Dec until 3rd of January. No one really works at the end of December
Lol, it's gone the twitter!!

guess it was a fake one anyway.. funny that when it went on to tfs it's removed.
Cause this girl/boy was much longer sending tweets.
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