Models on Twitter - Full List on Page #1

^ Not convinced yet, but we will watch it.

Marte Mei van Haaster (the other one posted at the first page is fake)!/martevanhaaster

laura kampman twitter.

There is no way the one on the first page is fake, her dad follows it:!/samvanhaaster

And we know it's her dad b/c he was tweeting about her exclusives/other inside info way (days) before anyone else knew about them.


Now the question becomes is Laura's fake? Or does Marte just have two twitter accounts?
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@laurakampman and @martevanhaaster are both real and active. People, not just models, create twitter accounts and neglect them all the time, and then are later inspired and create new ones. i.e. Daria Strokous's account has been inactive for 2 years and she has no interest atm to tweet. Plus, NYM is following Laura and she posts personal photos and is followed by and communicates with others in the industry. There is no reason to question Laura's twitter.

@HeinenBregje looks real. Laura is following her too. They hung out a few days ago. Look at one of the recent photos Laura tweeted.

Liisa Winker @liisawinkler1 should be added. She is followed by One and The Model Alliance.
The list of real people following/communicating with him continues to grows, so I'm adding this one.

Thanks :flower:

I believe the person that maintains the Clement Chabernaud Daily tumblr contacted his agency and they said he doesn't really have one. :unsure:
In my humble opinion, at present, it should be in the "debatable list".
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^ Thanks for the info, moved Clement to debatable.

Liiisa & Marte to the real.

Bregje still on debatable, so new, let's wait.
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^ Not convinced yet, but we will watch it.

There is no way the one on the first page is fake, her dad follows it:!/samvanhaaster

And we know it's her dad b/c he was tweeting about her exclusives/other inside info way (days) before anyone else knew about them.


Now the question becomes is Laura's fake? Or does Marte just have two twitter accounts?

haha i put first that she had two acounts but deleted that.

Bregje Heinen is real for sure.
Her sisters Sofie Heinen, Maartje Heinen, her dad Geert Heinen and her Dutch friends follow her and she follows them back.
We don't add private twitters. I'll add Lars to debatable until someone can prove it's authenticity. Thanks ^_^

if Vincent's and Danny's private twitters are real then i'd say Lars' is real too, on his twitter he seems to be close to both of them
also these three guys follow and are followed by that "debatable" Clement account

i found these, not sure if they're real :unsure:
Cole Mohr:!/mohrcole
Diego Miguel:!/diegocmiguel
Petey Wright:!/MrPeteyWright
Yannick Abrath:!/YannickAbrath
Rory Smith:!/rorysmith93
Levi Brown:!/levibrown_

the last two are models at FM and i think are friends with Clement who is with the same agency..
^ Yep, that's definitely him, he shut it down for awhile, guess he brought it back, thanks!

I'm still not 100% convinced about Raquel, Modelinia has been wrong before.

Thoughts on this Karmen Pedaru?!/kpedaru
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