Models Who Look Alike

^ Well I said not exactly :innocent: I don't know, I find his face rather unconventional and that seems to be the motto right now while hiring models for shows :ninja: Don't they all look like clones?



Michael Loccisano/Getty Images North America
But isn't unconventional the opposite of generic? I don't see how they're clones either, except that they are all fairish, and I suppose there is a trend for slightly feminized faces. But fair and generic aren't exclusive to one another, unless you're more into the pumped up Brazilian cave-man type.
^ That's what I've been saying in the models trend thread that the unconventional look has become mainstream in modelling. The inmates are running the asylum :p The most successful male model this season Clement is the ideal example of that imo and look how far away he's from the likes of David Gandy, Mark Vanderloo, etc. Also female IT girls like Julia Nobis, Cara, Karlie, etc are totally different from Eva, Linda, Cindy.

p.s. yes, I am totally into the pumped up 'Brazilian cave-man' type ;)
^I guess it's just different looks, different tastes. I like pretty boys ;) and I'm not too fussed what state the body is in either.
they constantly remind me of each other

Tomek Szalanski / Valerija Sestic
Simon Van Meervenne / Simon Nessman

Same name, same face. I don't mind seeing clones on the runway if they're as pretty as these two :blush:

IMG5088_SimonNessman_zps52b92667.jpg / lovingmalemodels.tumblr
A couple of people have brought up Joan and Vanessa so here's a comparison

sources: and easterneuropeanmodels tumblr
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They don't look alike IMO :ninja:
Maybe just the eyes but that's it
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I agree that their nose and lips are different shapes overall, but the facial structure, especially the eyebrow shapes and areas surrounding, are pretty damn close.

I would have preferred a nicely compared picture of Joan without makeup, but that was harder to find.
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Vanessa's eyes are wider apart and her eyebrows and nose are a bit wider too, but I still see it.
They don't look alike IMO :ninja:
Maybe just the eyes but that's it

I brought it up because in my opinion, a lot of these 'comparisons' that are often made throughout the thread are based on people looking alike 'in certain pictures' or certain lighting conditions when they may not really look that similar.

Joan and Vanessa may not have the 'exact' same features but they are pretty close in how they look overall. It's mainly the face shape and the symmetry (or, where their features lie). The way the photograph is very similar and consistent, unlike how it often seems as though people 'stumble' upon pictures where two models may or may not look similar. For me, the fact that they are of two different races and age groups (Vanessa being 17/18? Joan being 24/25?)even makes the comparison more just.
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