Elite Model Look Success

Elite Model Look 1994 Top 5 Finalist: Gisele Bündchen / Brazil



14-year old Gisele at the event


with more pictures here
^ great find Bianca :flower: Gisele is definitely the best contestant they ever had :)
Elite Model Look 1999 Contestant: Lara Stone / Netherlands



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15 year old Lara @ EML Netherlands'99: :wub: :heart:



krant.telegraaf.nl courtesy of falskerm
Xie Feiyuan: EML 2005 top 10 finalist




sina,cn, wwd, elitemodels, models.com

could someone PLEASE translate this? Sandra Wagner was 1995 winner, and no one heard anything about her for ages....
Ana Beatriz, she was 14 and took 2nd place in 1996 (3rd place was Nina Moric, and 4th Natasha Vojnovic)

Another picture of Ana B.B



could someone PLEASE translate this? Sandra Wagner was 1995 winner, and no one heard anything about her for ages....
I can't speak portugese but I can make out what it says....obviously says she won; she's 17 etc; Cindy, Stephanie, Karen, Tatjana found fame through the same contenst; she has a contrat with Elite; and something about working for L'Eau Dali perfume... and ends with saying that it's a fantastic start.
Sandra Wagner was disqualified after winning the world final because she became pregnant shortly after the win. (I don't know what that article says, it's just what I read in newspapers here a while ago)

I just loove all these old bics of Ana BB. She was so beautiful even back then. :heart:
Sandra Wagner was disqualified after winning the world final because she became pregnant shortly after the win. (I don't know what that article says, it's just what I read in newspapers here a while ago)

I just loove all these old bics of Ana BB. She was so beautiful even back then. :heart:

i remeber that s. wagner got pregnant, but she was a guest at eml 96.... i was just wondering if anyone knows what ever happened to her....

as for ana, she was my absolute fav, i met natasha vojnovic that year and i asked about the brazilian girl, she told me ana was gorgeous but not v. bright lol (ana was 14 so....)
Kinder-Überraschung statt süssem Model-Leben
ZÜRICH – Julia Saner und Sandra Wagner haben beide den Elite-Model-Look-Weltfinal gewonnen. Bloss: Sandras Karriere endete, bevor sie begonnen hatte.

Unsere beiden Schweizer Gewinnerinnen des Elite-Model-Look-Weltfinals Julia Saner und Sandra Wagner haben einiges gemeinsam: 17 Jahre, eine Traumfigur perfekt auf 1,81 Meter Körpergrösse verteilt, unendlich lange Beine. Allerdings hat die bildhübsche Julia nach ihrem Sieg noch eine grosse Zukunft vor sich.

Auch Sandra Wagner wäre die Welt zu Füssen gelegen. 1995 gewinnt die Luzernerin in Seoul den World-Final. Kurz vor Ende ihres Amtsjahres storniert der Chef der Agentur Elite, John Casablancas, aber ihren 180´000-Franken-Vertrag: Sandra ist bereits im fünften Monat schwanger. Ein Skandal! Der berühmteste Modelmacher der Welt sorgt sich um sein Image und verbietet der Schweizerin, ihrer Nachfolgerin am Final in Nizza den Titel zu übergeben. «Was denken all die Mütter, die uns ihre Töchter anvertrauen, wenn Sandra so auftritt?», begründet er öffentlich seinen Entscheid.

Heirat, Geburt, zwei Jahre Babypause, Scheidung. Sandra versucht den Wiedereinstieg. Aber in New York hat sie Heimweh. Und in Paris zeigt niemand Verständnis für ein Model, auf das zu Hause ein Kind wartet. Längst hat sie ihren Modeltraum begraben und ist abgetaucht. (faa)

The cursive part basically says that she got married, took two years off and soon got divorced. She tried to make a comeback but got homesick once she was in New York. In Paris they didn't want a model that has a child waiting at home either and therefore she gave up modelling.


That's funny that Natasha said that about Ana :lol: I always liked Natasha as well. Is she still modeling?
natasha is modeling as far as i know, which is not much, i know her from another life ;)

oh, thank you for the article!!!!!
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