Movie Character Idol


Aug 2, 2005
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Do you have any characters from movies that you Idolize in a sense, or perhaps a better way to put it, is a character from a movie you feel a connection too.

Mine are :

American Pyscho - Patrick Batman
Cruel Intentions - Sebastion
Albert - I :heart: huckabees
the dude - the big lebowski
Peter Gibbons - Office Space
Richard - The Beach
American Pyscho - Patrick Bateman


I presume/dearly hope you haven't read the book.

I'll pass, as Count Dracula (Bela Lugosi, natch) is already taken.
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CitraBenzoet said:
the dude - the big lebowski
Peter Gibbons - Office Space

I concur.:flower:

Donnie-Donnie Darko
Forrest Gump- Forrest Gump
Jane Smith- Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Penny Lane (+ the boy) - Almost Famous
Lux Lisbon aka Kirsten Dunst - The Virgin Suicides
hm I forgot a lot of people

I'll be back !!B)
Deacon Frost - Blade
Rusty Ryan - Ocean's 11
Yo Hinomura - Crying Freeman
Do you have any characters from movies that you Idolize in a sense, or perhaps a better way to put it, is a character from a movie you feel a connection too.

Mine are :

American Pyscho - Patrick Batman
Cruel Intentions - Sebastion
Wow! That's kinda scarey...
PrinceOfCats said:

I presume/dearly hope you haven't read the book.

I'll pass, as Count Dracula (Bela Lugosi, natch) is already taken.

Why is the book more pyschotic then the movie ? Ill probably look into that

Also I would like to add :

The Matrix Reloaded - Merovingian
The Matrix Revolutions - Merovingian
( The French guy who dressed very high end, one of the bad guys for those who don't know who Im talking about )
Ocean's Twelve - François Toulor
( The Main bad guy )

I hope I didn't startle too many people with my selection of characters, I love how these characters embrace their freedom and the control these characters posses over themselves and other people. Also their wardrobe kicks fucken ***. I think I would like Merovingian's wardrobe the most though. I like darker colors. I also find their perfectionist qualities interesting.
Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High HANDS DOWN

"I'm so wasted!"
Nader said:
Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High HANDS DOWN

"I'm so wasted!"

!!! I concur.

I always gravitated towards Celine (Julie Delpy) from Before Surise/Before Sunset as well. I remember watching Before Sunrise as a little girl and wanting to be just like her.
Do you have any characters from movies that you Idolize in a sense, or perhaps a better way to put it, is a character from a movie you feel a connection too.

Mine are :

American Pyscho - Patrick Batman
Cruel Intentions - Sebastion

Cruel Intentions - Sebastion :heart: :heart:
Why is the book more pyschotic then the movie ? Ill probably look into that

Call me old-fashioned but I find the (infamous) graphic description of a woman being tortured by having a starved rat eat through her vagina UNPLEASANT, in the extreme. Not to mention uneccessary.
Max Fischer-Rushmore
Charlotte- Lost in Translation
Princess Leia- Star Wars
Steve Zissou- The Life Aquatic
Tyler Durden- Fight Club
PrinceOfCats said:
Call me old-fashioned but I find the (infamous) graphic description of a woman being tortured by having a starved rat eat through her vagina UNPLEASANT, in the extreme. Not to mention uneccessary.
I agree. I found it gratuitously violent, and I thought that you'd have to be sadistic on the part of the reader (and the writer).
Stifler - American Pie ... :lol::lol:
Tyler Durden - Fight Club ... (just because he's cool :ninja:)
Amelie - Amelie

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