Once Upon A Time

The season finale was soooo good! ^_^

Here are some of my thoughts and favorite parts. (I whited out all of the spoilers!)

In "Heroes and Villains" land:
-Rumplestiltskin is a knight in shining armor.
-Snow White (who is now the evil queen) ripped out Prince Charming's heart and is controlling him.
-I loved Robin Hood rescuing Regina from Snow White and them riding away on the horse together.
-Hook wasn't the captain of the Jolly Roger (Blackbeard was) and was so timid. He was adorable! :P
-Evil Prince Charming stabbed Hook. (I thought he was really dead for a minute there).
-Regina jumped in front of Henry to save him from Rumplestiltskin, instead of stopping Robin Hood's wedding to Zelena.
-Love how Issac says "Too little too late" and Emma decks him.
-Henry is the new author. :o

Back in modern day Storybrooke:
-"The truth is what you must write. I hope you can resist temptation... The power to change reality", the old man (a former author? Can't remember!) says to Henry. So Henry breaks the quill.
-The old man uses the hat to suck the darkness out of Rumplestiltskin's heart. Then the darkness breaks out. Regina is going to absorb it, but then Emma calls it to her with the Dark Ones dagger instead. The darkness takes Emma, leaving the dagger behind. The dagger then reads "Emma Swan". :o
-Emma finally told Hook she loved him right before sacrificing herself. :(
-Merlin is coming.

Good episode!!! Although, I was kind of disappointed with how quickly they came back to Storybrooke from the alternate storyline.
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I enjoyed this season finale. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I still think Jared Gilmore (Henry) is a terrible actor. Four seasons in and you would think his acting would've improved by now.

But anyways...

I do look forward to the start of Season Five.
-I'm really hoping that 'Elliot the Dragon' is Lily's father.
-The Darkness reminded me of the Symbiote (yes, I had to Google it) from Spider-Man.
-I'm happy they had explained Isaac's history, because I was a bit confused with his timeline.
-Now that Emma is the new "Dark One," I wonder if she'll look different?

wickedcrazyness seeing is that your from Canada, (out of curiosity) have you ever gone and visited the set?
^The show is filmed in British Columbia. I'm from Ontario. It would take me 41 hours non-stop to drive there or a plane ticket. So no, I haven't visited the set.
Here is something I thought you guys might be interested in. First look at season 5!

Season 5 Promotional Photos (HQ)


Emma as the Dark One. :wink:
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I watched complete 2 seasons, but then it became a bit boring to me. Maybe I had such a state of mind at that moment. I started watching it again few weeks ago and it appeared I really missed it!Now waiting for the new episodes..
Tonight's episode was pretty good. Rumple (or the Dark One's conscience) had some good lines.

"I like her spunk... Break her neck."

^ that was a great line, wasn't it?

looking forward to see how the Dark Swan character develops.
Is anyone still watching this? I am... :blush:

Episodes 8 and 9 aired on November 15, 2015. It was supposed to be a two-part special, but I felt the episodes didn't mesh together at all.

Episode 8
-Emma turned Hook into a dark one to save his life. Now there are 2 Dark One's. :o(I have to admit, I didn't see that coming).

Episode 9
-The majority of the cast were not in this episode, which was a bit different. It was mainly centered around Merida.
-I like Merida's character. Seeing what happened to her after the movie "Brave" was interesting.
-Ruby and Mulan are back...

Only 2 episodes left before the mid-season break. Then nothing until March 2016. :doh:
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^ I've just binged on the last six episodes; so, now I'm caught up. Arrow, Flash, AoS, Agent Carter, LoT & Supergirl have been keeping me busy. :lol:
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My boyfriend has told me about this series; he has only watched the first season however. Is it worth it? :)
My boyfriend has told me about this series; he has only watched the first season however. Is it worth it? :)
If you like fairy tales, definitely yes. The majority of the characters are from fairytales you've probably heard of. (Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, etc). I like how the show puts a different twist on stories you already know.
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I watched all five series in a couple weeks! SO ADDICTING!

I can't believe it took me so long to get into it. However, season 5 needs to pick up the pace because the Camelot thing was boring.
I just didn't like the actor who played Peter's right hand man--he was terrible, imo.

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