other than BRACES?

Some people look cute with a gap between the teeth.

My friend had to have complete reconstruction of his whole mouth.

When he was younger his parents could'nt afford braces...so at age 27, he had to have the works, and luckily insurance covered it.

They had to break his jaw first to re-align it correctly or something, and then put spacers in all the problem areas. After many months of waiting for the teeth to separate (huge gap between his 2 front teeth) he finally got braces. And then wore them for almost 2 years.

He was in such pain during some of the process, and alot of pain killers...but,
he looks amazing now! Went from badly crooked teeth, to a perfect smile :smile:
Dont worry about it ive had braces. Had them taken off didnt wear the retainer so im getting them again over summer.
you can get these clear ones which just cove your teeth like a clear mouth guard you use for sport. not sure what they are called sorry but may be worth looking into though.
It hurts like hell at first but after like 2 or 3 days you dont feel it at all you feel some discomfort for a few hours after its tightened. But really the results are worth it and you see reasults quickerly. If you do get them though wear the retainer so you dont need them twice like me lol :( gutted
My friend used to have a huge gap between her teeth in 4th grade and then her mom told her to push her two teeth together every night and now her teeth are like a wall with no gaps between it! I'm thinking it takes time though. Maybe 5 years?? Almost like braces (just got mine off 3 days ago, don'tt get them! Retainers are the worst thing that happened to me).
But sometimes I love the way teeth look with a gap between them if the other teeth are not vampire teeth or crooked or grown way up in the gums.
I had a huuuuuuuge gap between my teeth in the third grade I looked like a doofus beaver because the teeth next to them had just fallen out which made my new front teeth very prominent. :mrgreen: I just took a rubber band, tied and cut it to a small size and wrapped it around those chompers at night. Those tiny bands that people with braces have work well too. Don't keep it on too long (take the band off when your teeth touch) or they'll crowd too close together.
PrinceOfCats said:
Just out of interest could something explain to me the American fixation with straight teeth? (this isn't a criticism)

Well I've notcied that people with crooked teeth usually have gross things and plaque in the spaces.

Its not just an American fixation. Canadians, and South Americans have a fixation with straight teeth.
CelineChic said:
Well I've notcied that people with crooked teeth usually have gross things and plaque in the spaces.

Its not just an American fixation. Canadians, and South Americans have a fixation with straight teeth.

It's just one of those things that make you feel better, being the kid with the "bad" teeth while everyone elses is nice and straight dosen't feel so great.

Plus i think many people just think straight teeth look better when they are all symmetrical and not clamping over eachother in an overbite.
im getting braces in june..im excited because afterwards they come off i get my teeth whitened:buzz: :woot:
Wow.. I'm definitely amazed at all your responses.. I'm gonna have to make up my mind soon whether I should try to fix my teeth or leave them the way they are.. hmmm...
ask your dentist about you options but i think braces is the only thing you can do. i`ve had them for almost 2 years, gettin them off soon =)
yeah, I wanted to get braces too, but they are too expensive for me. I can't pay so much... how much do yours cost?
I have invisalign. Love them. 6k CDN though. For the whole mouth, it can be less depending on how many teeth need to be moved. Doesn't hurt all that much except maybe the first day of each new tray. And even then, not loads. They also make your teeth immediately look better (for people with gaps, which is what i have) because it makes the gap look smaller.

It's a thought. expensive though.
sn_fathima said:
Hey !

I have like 2 millimeters of space b/w my upper-front teeth. Not the upper molars. Other than the 2 mm space, thank god, I have good enough teeth.

I need some help here coz I don't want to pay thousand $$ for BRACES just to get rid of the tinie-tiny space there !

Can anyone tell me if there's a way for me to pull those upper-front teeth together (other than braces)? PLEASE?

I feel embarassed to even laugh open-mouth coz there are small spaces b/w my upper-front teeth.. so, Please, let me know if there's a way for me.

waiting for a reply....

I am a former brace wearer and I understand your situation. Now, my cousin had braces when he was younger as well and the space between his two front teeth moved back alittle so the orthodontist put a permanent "bracket and brace" behind his two front teeth. You can't even see it and no one knows it's there unless he shows you. It's pretty cool. Maybe you should ask the orthodontist about that. I don't know whats it's called though.

Hope that helps. :smile:
The postings of famous women w/ gap teeth are great, but I'm sure they aren't all that reassuring. :wink:

My mother has always had a gap in her front teeth... she's never got it fixed, but she's always so embarassed by it.
"bracket and brace" han? never heard of 'em hmm... are they expensive?
are they supposed to be removed during night or is it on your teeth forever?? what about cleaning, like if food gets stuck?
yeah, i agree.. it's embrassing for me to laugh out loud in front of people who have perfect teeth

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