Perez Hilton Sued

I think there are some interesting things about this case. One is not only taking pictures w/o giving permission/credit (which he will most likely be found guilty of since it's quite easy to document) but another more important issue being the ability to alter photographs (which many blogs other than hilton do). Neither of the people involved are particularly well liked (perez for obvious reasons and x17 for being more aggressive paparazzi). I agree. This will definately set a precident.
Okay for a start, I don't think you should be able to make money from taking pictures of celebrities. Do the celebrities actually sign release forms for their pictures to be taken? Do they really want to be stalked night and day and have the most unflattering pictures appear on gossip sites?

Secondly, X17 has a completely different feel to Perez. Their main site deals primarily in following celebrities around with a video camera. Their other photographs are shipped to gossip magazines which are 50 times more harsh than Perez, I almost bring vomit up in my mouth when I see these disgusting pitiful women write those malicious columns.

Thirdly, what's the big deal about outing? Honestly. Who gives a flying sh*t about being gay anymore? He-l-lo, it's the 21st century for crying out loud. If they really have an issue with it then they can talk to Perez himself. You know the reason Perez likes celebrities like Paris Hilton, Michelle Trachtenburg etc is because they come into his office or they make an attempt to say hi to him at parties and so he sees them as friends, big woop, wouldn't you do the same? I mean come on you're all being incredibly spiteful in here, but if you were friends with him of course you wouldn't write mean things just to remain on the fence. That would make you an even nastier person.

So I think while X17 has the right to ask Perez to not use their pictures, they shouldn't be suing him for 7.6 million. Celebrities are not their property and they wouldn't make that much money from the photos in their first place. This just screams publicity stunt/petty retaliation to me.

And some people here take Perez way too seriously, he doesn't even take himself that seriously o_o

Oh god I just defended Perez *jumps out of a window*
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I will not miss him when he's not around anymore....
my fear is more for all the other bloggers out there who equally use all those pics without explicit permission, they will probably be the ones losing as well....
I agree mostly with misssakura...I don't like X17 or Perez, and think they're both in the wrong, for different reasons. However, this stood out to me, and is perplexing.

"The effect would be to eliminate the ability to comment on and transform photographs under the fair-use exception to the Copyright Act," said Hilton's attorney, Bryan Freedman of Century City.

Say what? I'm going to chalk this up to Perez's stupidity, and an overreaction. I don't think X17 or anyone is saying that people aren't allowed to comment on their photographs. Take, use, deface, etc, I can see being pissy about. I think they have more of a case than VS did when they got their panties in a bunch and demanded all the free advertising of their credited photos be taken down from websites/forums. But if X17 doesn't even want people to snark on their stalkerish, famewhore photos, what unconstitutional losers.
to force someone to come out is something that is beyond disgusting.its everybodys own personal decision, and i find it scary that perez thinks its his right to out people
That would make two of us, I'm shocked it took this long? He's been pushing his luck for a while.
kissmesweet said:
I can't say I'm surprised. :lol:
Wow. This will be so interesting when this is over, but I am sure it will take a while as I am sure either side will try to appeal if possible in the case they lose. Exciting!
You've probably hit the nail on the head with your first suggestion VainJane. While banner ads are not what the use to be to the www back in the day if you have a site driving sizable traffic there are allot of company's or products that will pay for ad space based on potential business to their demo that comes from that many page views.
VainJane said:
Like Next said, maybe ads on his site? Probably has a crazy amount of traffic on there.

Or some of the sleazier tabloids might pay him to do short articles or provide info.
This is a great example why we ask at tFS ask that you ALWAYS credit your images/photo's. We have been approached as well, warning us to credit. As I know it may be annoying.. it's the law and we must follow it.
*AndoraStar* said:
This is a great example why we ask at tFS ask that you ALWAYS credit your images/photo's. We have been approached as well, warning us to credit. As I know it may be annoying.. it's the law and we must follow it.

He does small "entertainment" segments for muchmusic...I've also seen him on Style star... so maybe he makes money off small tv apppearences.
"Fair Use" of other's copywritten work is dependent on many factors, one of which, in the Perez case, is the use commercial? As he is making money from not crediting and/or paying for images he scribbles on, it's likely he will lose his case. On the other hand, he could likely get away with what he is doing if he made no money from his blog and credited the photographers properly.

I've never found his site particularly entertaining, as it seems to have a backbone of self-loathing and body image preoccupation which he then projects outward onto the skinny celebrity set. There's more to making fun of people than just their appearance, sexual predilections, and rumors of venereal disease. He needs to accept himself fully and love his gossip targets unconditionally: like George Washington Carver said, “Anything will give up its secrets if you love it enough. Not only have I found that when I talk to the little flower or to the little peanut they will give up their secrets, but I have found that when I silently commune with people they give up their secrets also – if you love them enough.” Perez lacks this love, for now, but I'm sure he'll get there someday. And then he'll really sock it to 'em.
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well perez is an idiot anyway, but just nothing more than a stereotype gay diva who loves to b*tch (and pls anyone, absolute no offence against that type of person.. ) but its getting boring and overall its childish no matter who you are..
on the other hand its a blog, is it that much of a crime? if so, many others should be sued too.

but yeah would like to see the outcome on this..

perez, if youre reading this... any bitchy comments?
I keep hoping he'll just GO AWAY. Modern celebrities annoy me enough, their hangers-on are even worse.
If these agencies don`t want the pictures to spread they shouldn`t put them online... if Paparazzi pictures were "valuable property that needed protection"...


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