Perez Hilton Sued By The Paparazzi

I've never heard any rumour that mika is gay o_o; I wouldn't be surprised if he was bi though, he looks like quite the minx.
Wherever celeb blogger Perezilla goes, he can’t help but make friends. His current visit Down Under is no different.
Who Magazine, one of Australia’s biggest rag mags, recently had to deal with the venom-spewing crook and they learned the hard way just while a vile pig Perezilla truly is.
Below is a gory email transaction between the tabloid mag and Queen of Methamphetamine.
On 24 April, Who’s Senior Brand Manager, Samantha Sharp, wrote:
Hi Mario,
I am writing to confirm that following your withdrawal from your written obligations with WHO, the magazine is now unable to proceed with hosting a party for you on Tuesday, May 1. As you know, you agreed on and have already benefited from a full advertising page in WHO, which we put together to help you raise your profile as requested and which will no doubt be of commercial benefit to you since the page is in the issue that is already onsale. Invitations, with your approval, had already gone out and we have now had to contact confirmed guests telling them that the party is not proceeding. We spent a lot of time and effort on making this a great event for you.
All the best for the future.

Prompting this reply from Perezilla last week:
Are we getting into this again?
I fully own up to the fact that I made a mistake. I should have NEVER agreed to do anything exclusive with you, especially if it were for free. Pick up NW, pick up Famous, pick up all the other Australian celebrity weeklies. I’ve been in them this past month!
Yes, you were doing me a favor. BUT, I was also doing you a favor too! I was sincerely trying to make this work out and hoping we could do both, but it seemed like it was either your way or no way. We could have had the Who party after the Hilton party or we could have had it there or we’d have done something to MAKE IT HAPPEN, if you wanted it to badly enough.
I did what I thooght was best, and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to make 7,000.00 bucks and get a free hotel room for a week. And, Who could have quite simply gotten another corporate sponsor or just paid me yourselves and this whole issue would have been resolved.
Then, to top it all off, either you, someone else at Who, or Renee Awadalla leaked this item to the Daily Telegraph to try and make me look bad. Well, you know what? I don’t give a sh-t if I look bad! The more I think about this situation, the more I’m getting upset about it!
Do NOT email me back, as you will not get a respone from me. Tell everyone at WHo to consider me did, as that is the way I will treat your magazine. And Renee can go suck her own d-ck!
Evidently, Perezilla subscribes to the Kill ‘Em With Kindness school of thought when it comes to problem solving and diplomacy.

Thats unfortunate. He acts like a 14 year old when you accuse them of something. He won't go far with that sort of attitude but i bet if it was a big magazine in the US (like US) he wouldn't have done that. I thought he was sick on Tuesday anyway? I don't understand exactly what happened. He said he was going to go to a party and then didn't show or what?

okay is this what happened - he said he would host a party for them for free and they put a full page ad in there magazine? He then commited to a party at the Hilton for 7k and a free hotel room for a week and WHO got upset because he signed an exclusive deal with them and tried to back out of the party after they'd already given him free advertising?
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He tried to pull a scam and signed deals for exclusive parties with two different organizations. Well, they found out and got pissed. It's that old movie cliche, trying to date two people at once, except with Perez Hilton.
I dunno it's weird. Perez always publishes emails sent to him by celebs on his site. It seems weird that he'd send such an immature nasty e-mail knowing that it's very easy to publish...

7K and a free hotel night?
even i got more for a TV appearance!!
boo to perez!
and that response of his made me really laugh out loud!

having said that, perez, if you wanna do something in monaco contact me, ill put you in touch! ;)
misssakura said:
I dunno it's weird. Perez always publishes emails sent to him by celebs on his site. It seems weird that he'd send such an immature nasty e-mail knowing that it's very easy to publish...


He seems to be proud of his nasty manners.
I bet he wanted it published, more free press.:innocent:
He kept saying how he was so sick with pneumonia too. Oh prezzy you've let me down.

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