Perez Hilton Sued By The Paparazzi

xmodel citizen said:
^ No, he used to be in good shape. Once he started getting heavier, he even went on some VH1 show about trying to look like a celebrity. Anyone remember the name? There were some nude pics of him floating around that he posted on some gay sex site and he was in good shape. Haha, I found a post about it here if anyone wants to feel sick.

I remember that. He was so skinny.

I read his blog everyday, yes Im addicted to gossip but dont always agree on his comments.

But to me he just seems as evil as the papparazzi, media, tabloids and gossip magazines. Most of the TFS users and public look at candids so arn't we just somewhat responsible for the harrasement of celebrities.

On another note the real freaks are the ones who reply to his comments, I think some of them should be in mental institutions.

liberty33r1b said:
he is sooo over, no one likes him!!!

Except me

Anyway, he really used to be skinny? I mean I've been reading his blog for a while now and he hasn't been skinny the entire time..I'd love to see some skinny pics
holy shmoly,

that manhunt site is :shock:
i regret being so curious and visiting it:ninja:
lemeray said:
On another note the real freaks are the ones who reply to his comments, I think some of them should be in mental institutions.


Especially those who go "First!" :lol:
misssakura said:
Anyway, he really used to be skinny? I mean I've been reading his blog for a while now and he hasn't been skinny the entire time..I'd love to see some skinny pics

Here ya go:

queerty, elh

I obviously didn't put the "revealing" ones :lol:
AHHAHAHA...THAT'S HILARIOUS. Oh Prezzy. Prezzy Pretzel.

I still think you're cute babe.
Gosh, I wonder whether he checks out tFS the way some of us watch his woohoo site... :blink:
i think the situation between paris hilton and perez is ridiculous and quite see-through. i wouldnt be surprised if he is on paris's payroll.
I think Paris just trades information with him in favor of him keeping her off his site in a negative way. But she is also becoming less relevant lately and no on seems to care as much. I don't see nearly as many paparazzi pics as I used to of her...
^^ That's because the Associated Press put a ban on all Paris Hilton 'news'
His whole "career" is based on negativity so I'm not surprised he is getting some back.
yeah i was going to say. They still report on her.

I thought the whole point of the slimmer pics was that it wasn't actually him? Isn't that what it said on the link? That he photoshopped his face onto some images?
No, they were him! They were joking, mocking him and his current figure. There were more pics of him on gay sex sites from years ago that showed his thin figure. He USED to be, he's just not anymore :p
As for Mika, rumor is that he is gay. However, Perez is hanging onto him in the hopes that he'll have someone to hang onto once he (Mika) makes it big. So Perez has made no effort to force him out of the closet. In that light, the principles by which he kept insisting upon the sexuality of other closeted celebs seem rather selective.

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