Rachel Whittemore

Not my cup of tea, but she looks good in a couple of the pictures.. :flower:
Yesss, she loves them! :) :) :) :) :) As does my best friend - but he likes that kidba stuff anyway - but now I'll have to buy him thjose paintings so he can be creeped out day and night :) :) :) :)

There are sooo many threads ont his site!

Do people tend to stick to one section of this forum? Like do you tend to stick to "supporting cast forum"? Or does everyone pretty much post everywhere?? :)

Sloan and I started posting in supporting cast for a few weeks, then started looking around at the other topics. There is one for almost any subject, you just need to search for them. Most of the people are really friendly and helpful. The Spot is a good area to get to know people, there is lots of info about members. :flower:
yes, this is such a great site. There are people in the fashion industry, people who aspire to be and people who just appreciate it. Everyone is friendly.

BTW, Rachel reminds me of Nancy Mitford:
Originally posted by RachelWhittemore@Jun 19th, 2004 - 8:45 pm
Do people tend to stick to one section of this forum? Like do you tend to stick to "supporting cast forum"? Or does everyone pretty much post everywhere?? :)
Like model_mom, I also started out by pretty much sticking to the supporting cast section. As you start getting to know the various people here though, things seem to shift a bit. I now check the Spot a bit more than this section actually. So... enjoy!
yourbestfriend said:
so... what happened to her now?
She's still out there. Twenty-one now and working, although not as much as she would be in my ideal world. :innocent:
she does have a very different look, although i can't quite place what makes it different. but she is beautiful, far prettier than most models out there, in my opinion (i think most look like horses).

and some of the work- well, eh, it's not too flattering. but the rest of it, especially black and white photographs...well the pictures are stunning!
I just thought that I would share this email, because she's a such wonderfully different looking model, and has always been very polite to me. Which is saying something indeed, because considering how far she's gotten, and even in regards to some lesser-known models, they aren't always the most modest of people... Anyhow, do watch if you can, I know that I will certainly try to! Wishing her all the best. :flower:

I have gone through my e-mail and found a pile (I don't know if you can call a bunch of e-mails a pile... so.. let's not take that too literally okay? ::smile:: of e-mails from old friends, photographers and everything in between. (ok... maybe not EVERYTHING in between....) All of you I'm sending this to have supported me in various ways... some just a letter that made my day , others much, much more. So, thanks.
Just a note to let everyone know that if you watch any of the Law & Order series (SVU, Criminal Intent, etc.) you probably know that the have a new series starting... Law & Order: Trial By Jury. It premieres on March 3rd on NBC at... 10:00PM I think? I would check your local listings for that... Anyway, I'll be in the premiere episode.. if you don't catch it on the third you can on the forth. I would love to say more but I can't... sorry! But, don't worry... I'm not an extra... there's no chance of missing me! (unless of course you sleep through the whole episode... hehe)
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wow she really does look like she has stepped thru time from the 1920's :woot: she is very different to any other model i can recall seeing (this millenium anyways! ;)). as for the Law and Order role, does this mean she has passed over modelling for acting??

thanks for the updates and pictures Purple!

she looks so sad..

her eyes are very ashlee simpson. is that just me? if not, something about her reminds me of ashlee in the close-ups.
motaman8165 said:
she is pretty i see her at models.com alot
Yeah she has been banned from models.com for knocking down anybody with more potential that she has. She is a horrible person which is why she doesn't have an agency and is doing garage glamour and not high fashion. IMO she's not worthy of having a topic on her even if it contains her horrible pictures. SHe probably created and is posting on this thread about herself.
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