Rachel Whittemore

i dont think i've ever said this before about any other model but i think she is..... ugly.....

dont shoot me! :lol:
:o I just got an email from Ms. Whittemore!

She seems like a really nice person and has cleared up some of the issues being discussed. I've also asked her if it's okay for me to post her letter. Hopefully she'll say yes... (Keep your fingers crossed!)
Lastly, although I do think that honest critique is fine, let's all just try to remember that these are actual people are we are talking about here. :flower:
purple, very good point

seems to me that models are the easiest people to criticize
Sugo, I can't believe I missed seeing your post the first time around! More pictures of her...Whoo! :woot: Thank you so, so much! Also, I am not surprised in the least that some people find her unattractive. I have always known that I prefer more unusual faces.
I just had to repost this picture, it is so beautiful! *sigh*
This photograph just made me realize why I like her so much...
She has the face of a Pre-Raphaelite stunner!
Originally posted by sweetjane@Apr 18th, 2004 - 6:11 pm
purple, very good point

seems to me that models are the easiest people to criticize
And, most of them never talk back... :rolleyes:
I stand corrected on her having a new agency. Good for her.

I stand by my belief that the difference in caliber of work is startling and damaging-from a high fashion perspective, and I'll admit to the snobbery that it is the only one which interests me. :heart:
Originally posted by loserunit@Apr 19th, 2004 - 9:20 pm
sorry but i only needed one more till

:lol: Good work loserunit!

Anyway, the revival of this topic reminded me... :flower:
(And yes, I got her permission. I've also edited it a bit so you just get the essentials.)
My friend found your post on some fashion forum and sent the link it to me...
firstly, Thanks so much :) It's always cool when someone likes my look, work, etc.

I also noticed a few people said a few things about me that simply, well... just
aren't true. Like... I'm not 5'6"..... I am 5 foot 8 and three quarters... which my booker pushes to 5'9".. which is usual... (Honestly.. if I was a fashion model at 5'6" now THAT would be something interesting to talk about..!! hehe....)

As for the photo no one likes... I was bloated (as I do tend to get before my
period..) and I was modeling at a charity event and, well, its a snapshot... bad lighting.. not so flatteringmake-up.. and the clothing? eh.. not my style. But then again - every model has bad pictures... unfortunatly for me.. some people only show the bad ones *wink*

I'm not a terrible person.... I do have agency representation.. my career is
hardly over.... inall honesty, I am thrilled about the things that are in the works right now... I can only cross my fingers with all the stuff that is "in the works" right now. I'll tell you this much - this industry isn't a boring one! hehe

I just wanted to thank you for the sweet compliments on my eyes.... :) And just
let you know that not everything people say is true... :) I didn't want to post on the thread or let the people that posted up those things about me know that I saw it as that would accomplish their mission of simply trying to hurt me and give me a bad name. (and trust me, they are trying very hard to give me a bad name... but hey, there are lieterally 5 people that have a problem with me... out of the
thousands of ppl. I have met and worked with in modeling - that isn't so bad, ;)

I think she that sounds like a really nice person, and I wish her the best of luck!
Her look is unique...I like..

Purple, you have a thing for vintage and I think you have a thing for vintage people too...She looks so much like women from the 1920's and such...like as if she was teleported from that time...
Originally posted by Sephora_Socialite@May 2nd, 2004 - 11:00 pm
Her look is unique...I like..

Purple, you have a thing for vintage and I think you have a thing for vintage people too...She looks so much like women from the 1920's and such...like as if she was teleported from that time...
You may be right. :blush: I do think she looks a bit like a Pre-Raphaelite stunner...

Thank you :) What a lot of sweet things to say... :) I also just showed my mother the two photographs that you said I reminded you of. She freaked out and loved them! :) Very cool...

Anyway, I actually joiend this site when I came across your sweet e-mail today while cleaning out my mailbox. (I just found out that not only do i have tommorow off.. but what I had to do tommorow got rescheduled!!!! So _ I have all day tommorow to explore this site...)

Looking foward to it!

Rachel Whittemore

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