It's always amazing to me that she just does not know how to flatter her own figure. She manages to do all the wrong things for herself, IMHO. (I am a stylist too ... so I like to think that I know what does and does not work on different types of bodies ... it's my speciality.)
For example: The girl has great legs, but she covers them up 99% of the time with her boring 70's style, frumpy long dresses or with jeans like this ... yes, that are too long and look like she doesn't want to pay a tailor. She's got a small waist and curvy hips which are assets but which she always hides. An then, she's got no bust to speak of, but she insists on wearing super low cut things like that black dress from time to time, which do nothing for her other than point out that the tiny breasts that she does have are saggy and flat.
I just don't get it ...