On her favorite designer: “I’m really into Ashley Williams. She’s British, so young and fresh.”
On media’s eagerness to label her “the next Rihanna: “It’s a great comparison but I don’t think about it. When the album’s out, it’s going to separate me from that, without me having to say anything.”
On meeting Rihanna: “We literally just had drinks, a dance and a good time. There was no word talk. It was a great party though.”
On her style inspiration: “I always thought (Gwen Stefani) was so cool. I think I’m man enough to admit she made me want to wear red lipstick. When I saw it on her, I thought she was the prettiest person in the world.”
On making it big: “People would tell me I was wasting my time, but I think a lot of musicians go through that. I’m grateful all that happened because it meant I had time to build my confidence and grow as an artist.”
On meeting Jay-Z (Roc Nation label co-owner
“I went in there and shook Jay-Z’s hand. I’ll never forget that. It all rested on that meeting and making sure they understood my music, and they did – quicker and better than anyone I’d ever met.”
On Drake (who penned her hit R.I.P.
“We’re great friends, if he ever needed me I’d fly out. He’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met and if anyone talks **** about him, I get protective…I really admired that he was so interested in new artists even though he was new himself. We just clicked.”
On Kanye West: “He’s one of my fashion icons. I’d love to be the female Kanye. I think he’s so cool and effortless.”
Magazine: ASOS
Issue: September 2012
Cover Star: Rita Ora
Photographer: Tyrone Lebon