Robert Pattinson and Natalie Portman Rumored to Be Dating


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2007
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Mz. Portman was seen canoodling with our Twilight boyfriend at the Vanity Fair Oscar party on Sunday night!
A friend of Pattinson blabbed that Robert was extremely nervous about presenting but "whiskey and Natalie Portman" were what managed to calm the Brit down.
"The two totally flirted it up outside on the patio…[Natalie's] used to getting what she wants, as she dominated [Robert Pattinson´s] attentions most of the evening," snitched eyewitnesses at the Vanity Fair party.


According to a source, Natalie and Robert met at a pre-Oscars party back in February where they vowed to keep in touch. “He seemed to be enjoying every minute of it. She dominated his attention for most of the evening.” Insiders say that they have been staying in constant contact ever since.

They´d make a cute couple ^_^
but please no nicknames! :ninja: :lol:
meanwhile, brasilian newspapers said a couple weeks ago that she has been dating rodrigo santoro for several months now..
but please no nicknames! :ninja: :lol:

i read in some mag scans that "hollywood already has a nickname for them...Double P" :lol:
the same mag said natalie read the twilight books months before the movie came out and loved them, for some reason i HIGHLY doubt that.

but actually i'd like them together, she's not one of those puppets and you see her walking around in jeans and t-shirt with no make-up most of the time, i think that would be more his type than ebola hilton/megan fox

hahaha, but yeah, it has a touch of "cougar", but he said he likes older women:ninja::D

i just wonder who all these sources are that claim to know they're still in contact...:innocent:
lucky Rob if this is true! I adore Natalie, she's such a beautiful, intelligent and graceful young woman..
get it gurl!

Love RPatz (lol..) and I love Natalie, so I wouldn't mind one bit if it were true :heart:
Well much better than Megan Fox the other rumour making the rounds, although I do not believe it, everytime Rob speaks to a girl they are a couple.
i sooo dont like natalie portman.. i mean, how many boyfriends has she had so far?

he can do so much better.
i sooo dont like natalie portman.. i mean, how many boyfriends has she had so far?

he can do so much better.

meow! :lol: i like them together. in case this is true.
the "cougar" thing got me though.
its not really the cougar thing.. :wink: its more like she has been linked to so many guys, plus this terrible davendra case.. blah. her beauty is also controversial. i have never get her vibe.
its not really the cougar thing.. :wink: its more like she has been linked to so many guys, plus this terrible davendra case.. blah. her beauty is also controversial. i have never get her vibe.

What? What happened?

Anyway, I don't like them together. I like each one of them as individuals but they'd make a bit of an odd couple.
what happened? just look at him... this is what happened. he isnt the most handsome man to say delicately. :wink:
Cougar? Isn't she about 26/27?

Well, I suppose that I am middle aged now. If I date a man my own age, I am a cougar...

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