Roman Polanski detained in Zurich

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Harumi, maybe him going to jail won't achieve anything in terms of him personally, but it will certainly send a strong message to victims. Roman lives a very private life, and how do you know what goes on in it? Just because he isn't photographed abusing children doesn't mean he is a perfect law-abiding citizen. Jail isn't simply meant to be a rehabilitation facility, it is also a punishment. And the fact is, Roman has never been punished for the crime he committed. And yet the girl has been punished for it for 32 years. I don't think it's about protecting society from him, I think it is simply about him having to answer to the law for the crime he committed like anyone else should have to.

Not all men who abuse women are 'unhinged pedophiles'. If he really thought she was 25 then he may not be a pedophile, but he drugged and raped another person. Why should he not be punished for this? Just because an evil act was committed by a good person, why should that act go unpunished? Yes, this is hard on his family but did he not bring this on himself? His family is no different to any other going through the same thing.
I just don't understand why people think he should be absolved of blame or punishment for this.
^Agreed with ckashie.

On another note, Polanski had an affair with Nastassja Kinski, who was only 15 at that time, and that took place AFTER the r*pe incident.
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I don't believe many people plead guilty unless they have a pretty weak case to uphold. Especially when they have the means to afford a good lawyer to defend themselves in a trial to clear their name. Also, it's not like he couldn't get an appeal if there was such a thing as ''behind the scenes'' shadiness going on.
However you put it, let's say in my opinion anyway, what happened was wrong and he shouldn't have fled-period.
I do see the point in saying it's been 30 years, it probably does more harm then good then to dig up this case once again at this point in time. The only thing I can't agree with it is allowing someone different treatment because of their art or 'genius'.
I don't believe many people plead guilty unless they have a pretty weak case to uphold. Especially when they have the means to afford a good lawyer to defend themselves in a trial to clear their name. Also, it's not like he couldn't get an appeal if there was such a thing as ''behind the scenes'' shadiness going on.
However you put it, let's say in my opinion anyway, what happened was wrong and he shouldn't have fled-period.
I do see the point in saying it's been 30 years, it probably does more harm then good then to dig up this case once again at this point in time. The only thing I can't agree with it is allowing someone different treatment because of their art or 'genius'.

EXACTLY! Thank you.. please I hate it when people try and paint him as some sort of victim of our corrupt legal system. You want to see that go elsewhere, there are plenty of victims in our good (but not perfect) legal system. Sure his trial may have been mismanaged at some point, but that could have been fixed had he not become a FUGITIVE.
Roman Polanski is not a victim in this case and should not be treated as one.
He is a fugitive and a coward.
People are in jail for lesser crimes, and i have never heard any stories about him ever apologizing to his victim....especially now that He has a daughter.
its unbelievable how people feel sorry for pigansky...i mean he raped a 13year old girl!!!!
its not excuseable, eeeeeven if he is a famous director -.-.
and now all these dumb famous people who stand up for a r*pist...its a shame! do they that they get a part in his next movies. morons.
i hope he dies in jail! but i dont think that this gonna happen...

would these **** supporters also support r*pist mr. x ???
idiots...i cant describe how i am disturbed that people actually think he should be forgiven...
so, most of u think he's quilty but u did watch his movies??? and us goverment thinks he is quilty but they gave him an oscar. and uk goverment thinks the same, but gave him an award for life achivement....
he escaped the states and continued his life. if he was to stay in the states he would end up as michael jackson. face it, most of u didn't bother to think about something like this until few days ago, when polanski was arrested. then u read it, and all of a sudden he is the r*pist.

The US government does not give out Oscars, It was awarded to him by a group of his peers.
Michael Jackson but atleast he faced the justice system and was acquitted.
Maybe i would feel sorry for him if he had lived underground in shame and was later caught when he was 75. but he has been living a full and very public life like he is above the law.
It doesn't matter if the case was mismanaged. OJ got off and lived a good life for over 10 years before the justice system finally caught up to him. Its Polanski time, most likely won't be extradited but he should live with that cloud over his head.
I have never watched any of his movies, and now I never, ever will.
Some people are going on and on about the fact that she gave consent or not, the fact is -that even if she did- she was 13 and it´s considered statutory r*pe. End of discussion.
He said that he had to ask permission to the girl´s mother in order to take the pics so he knew she was 13. Regardless of the fact that he drugged her and raped her, he knew she was 13 and still had sex with her. So is not only r*pe but aggravated r*pe because he drugged her and force himself because she said "no" several times.

His defense claimed that she was a prostitute. But in US, isn´t it ilegal to have sex with prostitutes? She could have been a prostitute etc etc... that is not the point. He raped her. Or prostitutes and what not have no rights?

I wonder: if he gets deported, will he be incarcerated or is he too old for that? so instead of going to jail, will he be in house arrest?

He is an old man and a great director, it doesn´t mean he´s above the law.
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I find it a bit hypocritical how so many Hollywood types appear to find Polanski's behavior acceptible.

Is child molesting given a pass if you're a "star"/one of "us"?

Or do they think Polanski earned a reprive because he made good films during the time he escaped from authorities?

Or maybe they think punishment for child molesting should be 40 days in jail?

Whatever, it is evidence of the disconnect between "Hollywood" and real world Americans.

Little girls are sexualized, raped, sold, and enslaved into prostitution all around the world --- when will we take meaningful steps to stop it? :cry:
I find it a bit hypocritical how so many Hollywood types appear to find Polanski's behavior acceptible.

Is child molesting given a pass if you're a "star"/one of "us"?

Or do they think Polanski earned a reprive because he made good films during the time he escaped from authorities?

It sure does feel a little like that doesn't it.....
The list of filmmakers supporting him is overwhelming. But people like Spielberg, Coppola, and Lucas have yet to add their name, I assume they were already asked and declined?
Yes I thought Woody might want to stay out of the conversation here
But perhaps he thinks "the heart wants what it wants"

A couple interesting points in this interview (edit: from 1987):
Polanski did not comprehend why his actions were wrong
And he often includes an instance of "purity corrupted" in his films. I've noticed this myself ... always a little creepy.

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In the fashion/mode industry, these things happens all the time .
How many models under 15 slept with photographers or directors agency ???
This is unfortunately very common in this industry .

For those who don't know Roman Polanski, check his biography for 1 sec on wikipedia . His life is absolutely horrendous . (his mother died in the auschwitz concentration camp, he's a survivor of the war! - then his beloved wife who was pregnant of 8 months was murdered by the charles manson gang...,...and eight years later, he slept with a 13y old young woman... )

and despite all of that, he's a fantastic filmmaker . who didnt see "the pianist", "Chinatown" ?
Still, one film director thinks Polanski needs to face justice: Luc Besson said, "This is a man who I love a lot and know a little bit. Our daughters are good friends. But there is one justice, and that should be the same for everyone. I will let justice happen... I don’t have any opinion on this, but I have a daughter, 13 years old. And if she was violated, nothing would be the same, even 30 years later."
In the fashion/mode industry, these things happens all the time .
How many models under 15 slept with photographers or directors agency ???
This is unfortunately very common in this industry .

For those who don't know Roman Polanski, check his biography for 1 sec on wikipedia . His life is absolutely horrendous . (his mother died in the auschwitz concentration camp, he's a survivor of the war! - then his beloved wife who was pregnant of 8 months was murdered by the charles manson gang...,...and eight years later, he slept with a 13y old young woman... )

and despite all of that, he's a fantastic filmmaker . who didnt see "the pianist", "Chinatown" ?

Yes, these things happen a lot but they should not occur, and it doesn't make it any better because is it frequent... And no matter how horrible someone's life has been, that does not excuse you or give you reason to r*pe someone. He didn't sleep with a "thirteen-year-old woman," he raped her, forced himself onto her against her will.
t-rex, about luc besson, he's a poor man .

He was 35 when he dated Maiwenn Le Besco (15 Years OLD) , one year later they married, and at 17, she had a baby with him . and now he critisizes polanski because he likes teenagers . stupid .
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I don't think Luc Besson raped anyone and ran from that country, but I don't know a lot about the poor man.
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