Harumi, maybe him going to jail won't achieve anything in terms of him personally, but it will certainly send a strong message to victims. Roman lives a very private life, and how do you know what goes on in it? Just because he isn't photographed abusing children doesn't mean he is a perfect law-abiding citizen. Jail isn't simply meant to be a rehabilitation facility, it is also a punishment. And the fact is, Roman has never been punished for the crime he committed. And yet the girl has been punished for it for 32 years. I don't think it's about protecting society from him, I think it is simply about him having to answer to the law for the crime he committed like anyone else should have to.
Not all men who abuse women are 'unhinged pedophiles'. If he really thought she was 25 then he may not be a pedophile, but he drugged and raped another person. Why should he not be punished for this? Just because an evil act was committed by a good person, why should that act go unpunished? Yes, this is hard on his family but did he not bring this on himself? His family is no different to any other going through the same thing.
I just don't understand why people think he should be absolved of blame or punishment for this.
Not all men who abuse women are 'unhinged pedophiles'. If he really thought she was 25 then he may not be a pedophile, but he drugged and raped another person. Why should he not be punished for this? Just because an evil act was committed by a good person, why should that act go unpunished? Yes, this is hard on his family but did he not bring this on himself? His family is no different to any other going through the same thing.
I just don't understand why people think he should be absolved of blame or punishment for this.