What about Whoopi Goldberg and Jennifer Hudson? And they both won!Viola, much to my dismay (I love her, but I very nearly hate The Help), is definitely a shoe-in. Not to play the race card here, but pretty much the only time the Oscars are willing to give black women recognition is when they're in some kind of subservient, dependent role. I think Davis, Swinton, Williams and Streep are all in. Close's film has not been getting good reviews, and I don't think her performance has been either (but don't hold me to that). Dunst may get in, but the controversy around the film may have killed her chances. And if I'm being honest, I would really rather Olsen get that last spot over Mara, although she's quickly becoming my favorite. Regardless, she'll be going to the Oscars. It's Fincher, and the film is bound to get nominated for a bunch of stuff, even if she doesn't get in for Best Actress. So that means edgy interesting fashion choices in a sea of boringness, so I'm excited. B)
When is the GWTDT premiering in the US?
Anyway, I love the Dazed & Confused cover.