You can't help but feel a little bad for him. It's obvious it did not end well for him + Kering. But honestly, he was so arrogant in the position and did not make enough of a mark of the brand, even in the face of criticism and advice. His designs were not terrible, some of them were actually good, but he needed the right people to edit his vision down and refine the overall strategy.
They should have given Pierpaolo's other right hand man a chance. Maybe he was the more talented one of the bunch, who knows? Gabriele Cusimano, I think his name is.
Sabato, if he ever comes back to fashion, needs to learn to be more strong in his vision and not let all his friends like Zanola (sp?) ruin his work with cringey marketing and communications strategies. He has potential to make an impact, but with a stronger focus and less of these friends.