Saint Laurent F/W 2025.26 Paris

From my male perspective, being a woman must be a very difficult task all around the world. Women go through a lot of hardships .
No offense, but... this is such a patronizing attitude. The hardships are mostly because of the patriarchy/men (sorry) and aren't going to be fixed by cool clothes (sorry). When men in fashion go on about how "strong" women are and how much they "love" women (especially their mothers, groan... "my mother was so stylish and strong... 🥱") it's almost like the gendered equivalent of the "noble savage."

Not sure about what's empowering about wearing dusty 80s clothes in 2025, but ok. Any item of clothing can be empowering, depending on how a woman wants to wear it. Maybe I feel empowered when I wear my parka in -30C weather because it empowers me to not get frost bite. What stands out to me is that "power" is something male fashion designers (typically) want to "GIVE" (certain) women. Not something women already have, it's presented as something we're lacking. As if we need your approval/help to be empowered. God the word empowered needs to die.

Not to bring up Yves, but... he had a point and it's more relevant in 2025 than ever: "It pains me physically to see a woman victimized, rendered pathetic, by fashion."
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No offense, but... this is such a patronizing attitude. The hardships are mostly because of the patriarchy/men (sorry) and aren't going to be fixed by cool clothes (sorry). When men in fashion go on about how "strong" women are and how much they "love" women (especially their mothers, groan... "my mother was so stylish and strong... 🥱") it's almost like the gendered equivalent of the "noble savage."

Not sure about what's empowering about wearing dusty 80s clothes in 2025, but ok. Any item of clothing can be empowering, depending on how a woman wants to wear it. Maybe I feel empowered when I wear my parka in -30C weather because it empowers me to not get frost bite. What stands out to me is that "power" is something male fashion designers (typically) want to "GIVE" (certain) women. Not something women already have, it's presented as something we're lacking. As if we need your approval/help to be empowered. God the word empowered needs to die.

Not to bring up Yves, but... he had a point and it's more relevant in 2025 than ever: "It pains me physically to see a woman victimized, rendered pathetic, by fashion."

Honestly at this point, I find high fashion's current obsession with "strong women" and "matriarchal power" to be a mental illness. Not only is it obscenely cliche, it also has this weird implication that female empowerment only comes in high-end/luxury clothing with 80s-inspired tailoring with linebacker shoulders. I feel like all of this is just a cover for the fact that lots of these designers simply design in a narrow autobiographical lens.
It's a tangent, and certainly not unique to this show - but there's nothing empowering about the sight of models struggling to walk in some of the shoes they're made to wear on catwalks.

Being denied the very basics of having your feet firmly on the ground, and from operating the rest of your body from that point of stability... you might as well be hobbled.

I deeply appreciate fashion on this level for its ability to offer fantasy, but I don't know how much of it would ever help me move through the world I'm actually in.
"Fill in the missing silhouettes, and color them to match the others, which are shown alongside photographs of the actual fabric swatches Saint Laurent had attached his sketches. Or make this your chance to insert your own YSL-inspired designs, add them there, on the carte blanche page or one of the purposely “Left Bank” left blank outline illustrations."
"Fill in the missing silhouettes, and color them to match the others, which are shown alongside photographs of the actual fabric swatches Saint Laurent had attached his sketches. Or make this your chance to insert your own YSL-inspired designs, add them there, on the carte blanche page or one of the purposely “Left Bank” left blank outline illustrations."
Thank for reminding how charming Yves' sketches are. I love how he draws those figures.
Honestly at this point, I find high fashion's current obsession with "strong women" and "matriarchal power" to be a mental illness. Not only is it obscenely cliche, it also has this weird implication that female empowerment only comes in high-end/luxury clothing with 80s-inspired tailoring with linebacker shoulders. I feel like all of this is just a cover for the fact that lots of these designers simply design in a narrow autobiographical lens.
I pray that the next big fashion designers in the future are orphans, so I don't have to hear about their f*cking mothers.
both are not my favorite....
but that's beside the point that even the styling with leather jacket he could not let go... shows that VC always did at YSL a sexier more easy version that everyone understands based of Hedi´s homework.

for this he will be forever a lame designer that i would never buy into.
I'm wishing well all VIPs and models that will have to wear the looks next season. It will be difficult to pull the silhouettes for sure.

To me this collection didn't give me anything. But nice colours though.
The first photo reminds me of the couches my parents owned in the 90s.

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