The Daft Punk pics are cool because of the accessories. not the shots. Hedi is using this brand to further his photography career, not his design. It shows considering he's putting out six collections a year (and he most likely does barely any work on them and leaves it to his team) and 233829562397462937462397462397462398412 campaigns per seaxon. I just think it's disgusting for someone to use a brand with so much history and heritage so he can get his photography some publicity. Every since his Dior Homme days barely anyone talks about him, because he focused 100% on his photography. People are talking about him now because he's the "creative" director for YSL, or "Saint Laurent," as I should say. This campaign isn't meant to bring publicity to his work at Saint Laurent, it's meant to bring some international publishing because his photography is crap and nobody cares about it and that's the only way people will notice it.